• I’m porting my site to a new hosting provider and displayed a gallery in a widget on the homepage using a PHP Script Widget using the following code and works perfectly on the old site.

    <?php $content = “[galleryview=id: 8; showPanels: true; showCaptions: true; showFilmstrip: true; panelWidth: 400; panelHeight: 400; panelScale: crop; transitionSpeed: 800; transitionInterval: 4000; fadePanels: true; frameWidth: 60; frameHeight: 40; filmstripPosition: bottom; pointerSize: 8; frameScale: crop; frameGap: 5; frameOpacity: 0.3; easingValue: swing; navTheme: light; startFrame: 1; pauseOnHover: true;]”;

    Now I get “Fatal error: Call to undefined function galleryview_show()” showing up where the slide show should be.

    Any thoughts? The Gallery itself looks fine and the sample code generator creates the sample slide show perfectly with all the images.

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  • I got that same error, and what happens is the plugin’s js file is not linking properly. This means that the file doesn’t load the galleryview plugin therefore outputting this error.

    I haven’t found a clean solution yet, but if you do this in your header.php file, it goes one step further in presenting the gallery.

    First go to the plugins folder and find the nextgen galleryview plugin folder, then copy paste it into your template (under a js folder for instance). Then link the pasted js in your header as such:

    <script src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/myjsfolder/thenameofthejavascript.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Next step is to fix the images and configs that are still messed up. I know there must be a cleaner solution to this but I haven’t found it yet. If you find anything, let us know!


    Just figured out what it was in my case. I was doing a very custom template and didn’t know I needed a
    <?php wp_head();?>
    in my header.php file.
    Now everything works fine!
    Hope it helps you too.

    Hm, for some reason I get that fatal error despite of having <?php wp_head();?> in my header.

    Maybe it’s because my theme is simply inherited from twentyeleven.

    I’d be very thankful for some hints!

    Running 3.2.1.

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