@sjwattok – Also, if you wonder why my development system is on 5.3 and NOT 5.2.4 it is because I have to do other projects to feed my family. 5.2.X has numerous memory leaks and even a SEGFAULT that produces unstable and far inferior results on those other projects.
Some of those memory leaks creep up in WordPress plugins more often than you realize. Ever wonder why some WordPress sites run out of memory when certain plugins are installed? Read the PHP 5.3.X release notes and you will find DOZENS of memory leaks and security issues being addressed.
Yes, WordPress requires 5.2.4 and they don’t like to change the requirement if they can help it. Makes sense. PHP does some AWFUL things when they release new versions (talk about testing releases & backwards compatibility issues!), but anyone that CAN run PHP 5.3.X should do so. Just make sure you test first so you know none of your plugins break.
BTW, that is another good point. You cannot simply test 5.2.4. For a full test you must test 5.2.X and 5.3.X. Since I only have enough time to do ONE I choose 5.3 for the reasons stated previously.
No, not a perfect solution but software is NEVER perfect. Just look at the 300,000+ bugs already reported in Windows 8, and they have a MUCH bigger test team and much longer release cycle. Or closer to home… WordPress 3.5 and their known bug/issues list.
I hope this sheds some light on what I do and why.
– L