The theme I use is hello From plugins, I only have elementor and elmentor pro Without this theme or plugin, my site will not work, can I read somewhere or is your plugin compatible with this theme and plugins?
On the Site Reviews Settings page, click the Reviews tab and change the Enable Excerpts setting to “No”.
The theme I use is hello. From plugins, I only have elementor and elmentor pro
If you are using the latest versions of Elementor and Elementor Pro and they are the only plugins active on your website, then you don’t have to test for incompatible plugins.
If you have made any customizations to your theme (i.e. added code snippets to the functions.php file), then try temporarily switching to the twentytwentyone theme and test the reviews page. You can switch back after you have tested.
If the problem is not a theme/plugin conflict, try checking your wp-config.php file look for the following lines:
So far I’m a little stumped. It may help to see your complete System Info and Console. Please follow the directions in the “Contact Support” section of the Help & Support page which explains how to contact me directly.
Does your hosting provider allow you to easily change your PHP version? If so, try changing it to version 8.1 and see if that changes anything (I think you might be using 8.0).
My educated guess is that one of the PHP/WordPress functions in the screenshot below is throwing a silent error which is causing the other error that you see on your page, and it’s possibly related to the version/build of PHP that is on your server.
And if I were to manually troubleshoot, the first thing I would do is comment out each of the lines in the red box in the /wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Helpers/Text.php file. If that fixed the problem, I would uncomment them one by one until I found the one that was failing:
Now everything seems to be working fine, without errors, and it shows all the reviews. Well, there is a problem, if in the recall, there is ” ” they are shown with other characters. How to fix it ?