fatal error
I got this fatal error. It make the website only load the header and footer and the error message.
It was all good before. but all the sudden got this error. I have uninstall the plugin and reinstall the plugin which solve the problem. but It comes back once a while.
also after reinstall all the hours set was clear and I have to set it again. Please help solve this problem. Thank you. below is the fatal error code. no cache plugin is being use on the website.
It might be the cost after I enable Include the current time in the output.
Include day Include the current day in the output.
Opening/closing soon warning When it’s near opening or closing time, show a different message.
then disable it. then the error appear.Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (12:00 下午) at position 6 (?): Unexpected character in /home/loveyout/public_html/goldenwokmanatee.com/wp-content/plugins/business-hours-indicator/services/class-datetime-service.php:76 Stack trace: #0 /home/loveyout/public_html/goldenwokmanatee.com/wp-content/plugins/business-hours-indicator/services/class-datetime-service.php(76): DateTime->__construct(’12:00 \xE4\xB8\x8B\xE5\x8D\x88′, Object(DateTimeZone)) #1 /home/loveyout/public_html/goldenwokmanatee.com/wp-content/plugins/business-hours-indicator/services/class-conversion-service.php(20): MABEL_BHI_LITE\Services\DateTime_Service->convertToDateInWeek(’12:00 \xE4\xB8\x8B\xE5\x8D\x88′, ‘Monday’) #2 /home/loveyout/public_html/goldenwokmanatee.com/wp-content/plugins/business-hours-indicator/services/class-conversion-service.php(76): MABEL_BHI_LITE\Services\Conversion_Service::raw_hour_to_opening_hours(Object(stdClass), ‘Monday’) #3 /home/loveyout/public_html/goldenwokmanatee.com/wp in /home/loveyout/public_html/goldenwokmanatee.com/wp-content/plugins/business-hours-indicator/services/class-datetime-service.php on line 76
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