Fatal Error
Tried to update the premium plugin. It failed, so I removed it and then tried installing the latest version from scratch. Not I am getting this fatal error when trying to install.
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/blindw5/public_html/blindwavellc.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-persistent-login-premium/freemius/start.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/share/pear’) in /home/blindw5/public_html/blindwavellc.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-persistent-login-premium/freemius.php on line 10
Hi there,
Apologies for the issue, I have just tried upgrading myself to double check, and the install went through okay for me.
Can I just check that you’ve downloaded the premium version of the plugin, and that you’re uploading it by visiting Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. And also that the free version of Persistent Login is deactivated?
When I try to delete the free version I get this:
Deletion failed: (function () { if (“undefined” === typeof kintInitialized) { kintInitialized = 1; var e = [], f = -1, g = function (a) { var b = window.getSelection(), c = document.createRange(); c.selectNodeContents(a); b.removeAllRanges(); b.addRange(c) }, h = function (a) { Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(“.kint nav, .kint-tabs>li:not(.kint-active-tab)”), 0).forEach(a) }, k = function (a, b) { if (!a.classList) return !1; “undefined” === typeof b && (b = “kint-show”); return a.classList.contains(b) }, l = function (a, b) { “undefined” === typeof b && (b = “kint-show”); a.classList.add(b) }, m = function (a, b) { “undefined” === typeof b && (b = “kint-show”); a.classList.remove(b) }, n = function (a) { do a = a.nextElementSibling; while (“dd” !== a.nodeName.toLowerCase()); return a }, q = function (a, b) { var c = n(a); “undefined” === typeof b && (b = k(a)); b ? m(a) : l(a); 1 === c.childNodes.length && (c = c.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]) && k(c, “kint-parent”) && q(c, b) }, r = function (a, b) { var c = n(a).getElementsByClassName(“kint-parent”), d = c.length; for (“undefined” === typeof b && (b = k(a)); d–;) q(c[d], b); q(a, b) }, s = function (a) { var b = a, c = 0; a.parentNode.getElementsByClassName(“kint-active-tab”)[0].className = “”; for (a.className = “kint-active-tab”; b = b.previousSibling;) 1 === b.nodeType && c++; a = a.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes; for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) d === c ? (a[d].style.display = “block”, 1 === a[d].childNodes.length && (b = a[d].childNodes[0].childNodes[0], k(b, “kint-parent”) && q(b, !1))) : a[d].style.display = “none” }, t = function (a) { for (; a = a.parentNode, a && !k(a, “kint”);) ; return !!a }, u = function () { e = []; h(function (a) { 0 === a.offsetWidth && 0 === a.offsetHeight || e.push(a) }) }, v = function (a) { var b; if (b = window.open()) b.document.open(),b.document.close()},w=function(a,b){function c(a){var c=1===b?a.replace(/^#/,””):a;if(isNaN(c))return a.trim().toLocaleLowerCase();c=parseFloat(c);return isNaN(c)? a.trim() : c } var d = a.tBodies[0]; [].slice.call(a.tBodies[0].rows).sort(function (a, d) { a = c(a.cells[b].textContent); d = c(d.cells[b].textContent); return a < d ? -1 : a > d ? 1 : 0 }).forEach(function (a) { d.appendChild(a) }) } , x = function (a) { var b = document.querySelector(“.kint-focused”); b && m(b, “kint-focused”); if (-1 !== a) { b = e[a]; l(b, “kint-focused”); var c = function (a) { return a.offsetTop + (a.offsetParent ? c(a.offsetParent) : 0) }; window.scrollTo(0, c(b) – window.innerHeight / 2) } f = a }, y = function (a, b) { a ? 0 > –b && (b = e.length – 1) : ++b >= e.length && (b = 0); x(b); return !1 }; window.addEventListener(“click”, function (a) { var b = a.target, c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (t(b)) { if (“dfn” === c) g(b), b = b.parentNode; else if (“var” === c) b = b.parentNode, c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase(); else if (“th” === c) return a.ctrlKey || w(b.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, b.cellIndex), !1; if (“li” === c && “kint-tabs” === b.parentNode.className) return “kint-active-tab” !== b.className && (s(b), -1 !== f && u()), !1; if (“nav” === c) return “footer” === b.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? 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} .kint-report tr:hover > td { box-shadow: none; background: #cfc; } →$act array(16) ‘act_status’ => integer1’act_product’ => string(4) “wpvr”‘act_id’ => integer2910’act_email’ => string(30) “[email protected]”‘act_code’ => string(36) “81042479-5a6a-47b5-b99b-6d4d290f10b7″‘act_date’ => string(19) “2018-01-15 15:54:04″‘buy_date’ => string(0) “”‘buy_user’ => string(0) “”‘buy_license’ => string(0) “”‘act_addons’ => array(0) ‘act_url’ => string(28) “https://www.blindwavellc.com”‘act_domain’ => string(20) “www.blindwavellc.com”‘act_version’ => string(6) “1.9.17”‘act_cinfos’ => string(0) “”‘act_ip’ => string(15) “”‘buy_expires’ => string(19) “2019-01-15 15:52:24″→ Called from <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/wpvr/functions/wpvr.functions.autoupdate.php:193 [wpvr_autoupdate_product->find_expired_licenses()]<ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/wpvr/functions/wpvr.functions.autoupdate.php:112 [wpvr_autoupdate_product->find_expired_licenses()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:288 [call_user_func_array()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/plugin.php:203 [WP_Hook->apply_filters()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/option.php:1750 [apply_filters()]<ROOT>/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:888 [set_site_transient()]<ROOT>/wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3912 [delete_plugins()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:286 [call_user_func_array()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:310 [WP_Hook->apply_filters()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/plugin.php:453 [WP_Hook->do_action()]<ROOT>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:100 [do_action()]→$api array(3) ‘status’ => integer1’msg’ => string(30) “Returning the license details.”→’data’ => array(29) ‘id’ => string(4) “2910”‘product’ => string(2) “18”‘created_on’ => string(19) “2018-01-15 15:52:24″‘updated_on’ => string(19) “2018-01-15 15:52:24″‘state’ => string(1) “1”‘status’ => string(9) “published”‘last_ping’ => string(19) “2018-10-16 22:53:39″‘last_ping_version’ => string(6) “1.9.17”‘act_type’ => string(6) “envato”‘act_code’ => string(36) “81042479-5a6a-47b5-b99b-6d4d290f10b7″‘act_email’ => string(30) “[email protected]”‘act_ip’ => string(15) “”‘act_domain’ => string(20) “www.blindwavellc.com”‘act_url’ => string(0) “”‘act_date’ => string(19) “2018-01-15 15:52:24″‘act_version’ => string(6) “1.9.17”‘act_cinfos’ => string(0) “”‘buy_date’ => string(19) “2018-01-15 15:48:32″‘buy_user’ => string(9) “blindwave”‘buy_licence’ => string(15) “Regular License”‘buy_supported’ => string(19) “2018-07-17 07:48:32″‘categories’ => string(0) “”‘is_active’ => string(1) “1”‘buy_expires’ => string(19) “2019-01-15 15:52:24″‘verify’ => string(1) “0”‘multi_domain’ => string(1) “0”‘p_title’ => string(14) “WP VIDEO ROBOT”‘p_status’ => string(9) “published”‘p_slug’ => string(4) “wpvr”→ Called from <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/wpvr/functions/wpvr.functions.autoupdate.php:200 [wpvr_autoupdate_product->find_expired_licenses()]<ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/wpvr/functions/wpvr.functions.autoupdate.php:112 [wpvr_autoupdate_product->find_expired_licenses()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:288 [call_user_func_array()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/plugin.php:203 [WP_Hook->apply_filters()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/option.php:1750 [apply_filters()]<ROOT>/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:888 [set_site_transient()]<ROOT>/wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3912 [delete_plugins()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:286 [call_user_func_array()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:310 [WP_Hook->apply_filters()]<ROOT>/wp-includes/plugin.php:453 [WP_Hook->do_action()]<ROOT>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:100 [do_action()]{“success”:true,”data”:{“delete”:”plugin”,”slug”:”wp-persistent-login”,”plugin”:”oowp-persistent-login\/wp_persistent_login.php”,”pluginName”:”WordPress Persistent Login”}}
Hi, I’m a little confused by that error, it doesn’t mention of WP Persistent Login until the very end where it says:
[do_action()]{“success”:true,”data”:{“delete”:”plugin”,”slug”:”wp-persistent-login”,”plugin”:”oowp-persistent-login\/wp_persistent_login.php”,”pluginName”:”WordPress Persistent Login”}}
The entire error above seems to be related to a plugin called ‘wpvr’. Are you able to try disabiling this plugin while you try to activate the premium version of WP Persistent Login?
Also, could I get some information on your server setup? Eg. Windows or Linux, what PHP version you’re on and also what version of WordPress you’re running?
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