• Resolved Gretchen Louise


    When logged in as admin, I get this Fatal Error where the Comment Mail box should be on single posts:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Query failure on SQL: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWSemailFROMwp_comment_mail_subsWHERE 1=1 ANDstatus= 'subscribed' AND (email= '[email protected]' ORuser_idIN('7')) LIMIT 1‘ in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsSub.php:638 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsPhp.php(87) : eval()’d code(35): WebSharks\CommentMail\UtilsSub->queryTotal(NULL, Array) #1 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsPhp.php(87): eval() #2 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php(149): WebSharks\CommentMail\UtilsPhp->evaluate(‘<?php?namespace…’, Array) #3 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php(241): WebSharks\CommentMail\Template->parse(Array) #4 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plu in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsSub.php on line 638


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  • Thread Starter Gretchen Louise


    A client is receiving a similar fatal error on her site when she comments as admin:
    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Undefined overload property:utils_rve.' in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/AbsBase.php:111 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Plugin.php(866): WebSharks\CommentMail\AbsBase->__get('utils_rve') #1 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsPhp.php(87) : eval()'d code(109): WebSharks\CommentMail\Plugin->__get('utils_rve') #2 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsPhp.php(87): eval() #3 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php(149): WebSharks\CommentMail\UtilsPhp->evaluate('<?php\nnamespace...', Array) #4 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/cla in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/AbsBase.php on line 111
    Rolling Comment Mail back to the previous version solved this problem.

    When logged in as admin, I get this Fatal Error where the Comment Mail box should be on single posts:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Query failure on SQL: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWSemailFROMwp_comment_mail_subsWHERE 1=1 ANDstatus= ‘subscribed’ AND (email= ‘[email protected]’ ORuser_idIN(‘7′)) LIMIT 1’ in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsSub.php:638

    @gretchenlouise I haven’t been able to reproduce that issue at all. You’re seeing that on the front-end of the site, where the comment reply form is, while logged in as an admin? I attempted to reproduce this but I’m just seeing the comment reply form (and it works fine for replying to comments as a visitor—replying as an admin has an issue, see below).

    Are you able to attempt reproducing that issue with all other plugins disabled and a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Sixteen) enabled to rule out a conflict with another plugin?

    Also, can you confirm which version of Comment Mail (Pro or Lite and version number) that you’re seeing that error with?

    A client is receiving a similar fatal error on her site when she comments as admin:
    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Undefined overload property:utils_rve.’ in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas04_data03/81/2347981/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/AbsBase.php:111

    @gretchenlouise Thank you very much for the report. I’ve confirmed this is indeed a bug that was introduced in the last release — somehow we missed it during our pre-release testing. ??

    I’ve filed a bug report and will work on getting a maintenance release out to fix this ASAP. I’ll update again here once that release goes out.

    In the meantime, I recommend rolling back to the previous release of Comment Mail, v160618. If you make sure that Data Safeguards are enabled in the Comment Mail options, you can safely delete the current version of Comment Mail and then reinstall the old version — all of your existing settings and subscriptions will be restored.

    Thread Starter Gretchen Louise


    On both sites, I’m using Lite, with version 160818. Rolling back to 160618 fixed the issue.

    I was indeed seeing that on the front-end of the site, where the comment reply form is, while logged in as an admin. Unfortunately, I’ve been working with so many sites on this issue in the last several days that I can’t remember which one was giving me that exact error.

    @gretchenlouise Comment Mail v160824 has been released that includes a fix for the fatal error you reported. Please let me know if you run into any other issues. If you see that error related to SQL again after updating to v160824, please let me know exactly how you reproduce it—I haven’t been been able to reproduce that specific error at all.


    Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that was generating a fatal error when replying to comments. This bug only affected the Lite version of Comment Mail and was introduced by the previous release (v160818) where work was done to strip out unused Pro-only code from the Lite codebase. A few references to Pro-only functions were missed and that resulted in fatal errors for the Lite version in some scenarios. See Issue #297.

    Thread Starter Gretchen Louise


    The update takes care of the Undefined overload property fatal error.

    However, in the meantime, I have found again the site that is getting the first error. And the error is persisting, even with the latest update.

    The error message is Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Query failure on SQL:SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS email FROM wp_comment_mail_subs WHERE 1=1 AND status = ‘subscribed’ AND (email = ‘[email protected]’ OR user_id IN(‘7’)) LIMIT 1' in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsSub.php:638 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsPhp.php(87) : eval()'d code(35): WebSharks\CommentMail\UtilsSub->queryTotal(NULL, Array) #1 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsPhp.php(87): eval() #2 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php(149): WebSharks\CommentMail\UtilsPhp->evaluate('<?php?namespace...', Array) #3 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/Template.php(241): WebSharks\CommentMail\Template->parse(Array) #4 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plu in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/UtilsSub.php on line 638

    It is appearing only on the front end of the site, where the Comment Mail box appears. Because it breaks everything past that, admins are unable to reply to comments on the front end of the site.

    And when I try a test comment without being logged in as Admin, I’m given this error, but the comment does go through:
    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Insert/replace failure.' in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/SubInserter.php:721 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/SubInserter.php(695): WebSharks\CommentMail\SubInserter->insert() #1 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/SubInserter.php(479): WebSharks\CommentMail\SubInserter->maybeInsertUpdate() #2 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/SubInjector.php(201): WebSharks\CommentMail\SubInserter->__construct(Array, Array) #3 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/SubInjector.php(142): WebSharks\CommentMail\SubInjector->maybeInject() #4 /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/CommentPost.php(101): WebSharks\CommentMail\SubInjector->__construct(Object(WP_User), 63459, Array) #5 in /home/content/42/11223642/html/wp-content/plugins/comment-mail/src/includes/classes/SubInserter.php on line 721

    The site is running Comment Luv, but I tried disabling it and the error persists.

    Is there a way to private message you the URL of the site (it’s a client’s)?

    Thank you!

    @gretchenlouise Please open a ticket using this (expires in 48 hours) link and include the URL to this support thread in the message. ??

    Thread Starter Gretchen Louise


    I temporarily reactivated the plugin on my client’s site in order to take screenshots for you…and there are no more fatal errors! I went ahead and sent you her site and plugin list, just in case that is helpful. But I wonder if somehow the error was persisting from the previous version and it was corrected by reactivation? Sorry about that! I’m glad it’s fixed and working again for her because we like your plugin.

    Thank you!

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