• Plugin worked fine until I upgraded to 2.7 <sigh>.

    Plugin’s author site(s) don’t appear to have been updated in many moons and I found nothing there about any incompatibility issues (or anything else of a curent nature!).

    When I go to add a Q&A and click on the appropriate link to do so, I’m taken to the “Pending Questions” page which is not where that link should go.

    Anyone else experiencing the same? Any hacks to fix it in lieu of waiting on the author to surface?

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  • @copernicus

    Your tips have gotten FAQ-Tastic working for me on wp2.7 – Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! ??

    Hello, everyone!
    Thanks for the kind words; I’m glad my solution worked for you — and that I have the on-going opportunity to “pay forward” the assistance of many WordPress users that have helped (and continue to help) me.

    Wishing you all the best!

    Hey Copernicus, wanna look into something else for me?

    My client wants to display his FAQ with “jump links” – a list of questions up top that you click on to jump you down to the answer below. FAQ-Tastic supports that, if you just put a tag of ‘[faq summary name]’ into your WP page as opposed to ‘[faq list name]’. I did that, and while it outputs the list of linked questions just fine, it doesn’t output the answers themselves. There’s just a list of questions. Clicking on the links goes nowhere, because they’re linked to anchors in the page that don’t exist.

    Could it be that there’s just another misdirected link somewhere in the code? I’m looking around myself, but I don’t really know what I’m looking for. Mostly just an instance of “edit.php” that I can replace with “tools.php,” lol.

    I have a slightly different problem.

    When I go to create a question group, I click Add Group, it says it’s been saved, but it never shows up? Here is a link to a screenshot

    Some details:
    I’m on WordPress 2.7, with the latest version of Faqtastic 1.0.7. I made the changes suggested by Copernicus.

    Any ideas?

    Hey tracyberna- I think I understand your problem and, if I’m right, the fix is quite easy.

    Basically, it goes like this: to get both a “jump links” list and the collection of FAQ answers you need to use both the tags of
    [faq summary name]
    [faq list name]
    within the page on which you want to display your FAQs

    (where “name” within each tag represents the name of your FAQ group name)

    The “summary” is the linked list of FAQ questions.
    The “list” is the collection of FAQ Questions & Answers (fortunately, with the anchor tags already embedded so that the links within the above “summary” will jump the user to the Q&A combination that he/she has clicked on).

    Hope this helps!

    Hello datysdal- I wish I had a solid answer for you; but (for me) it’s difficult to tell exactly what might be plaguing your set-up.

    The same type of issue has happened to me in the past and I’ve found that the group will appear if I navigate to another part of the WP admin area and then return to the FAQ system (after having received the successful “Your group has been created” message, of course).

    I know that this isn’t much help, but it may work for you.

    If not, it could be that one of the edits made to the plug-in included an erroneous character (or some other typo) that is causing an error when attempting to process the creation of the new group.

    If you’re still experiencing the problem, take a look at the URL displayed in the same window that has the “Your group has been completed message.” and see if anything looks strange with it.

    You can, of course, paste a copy of that URL as a response in this thread & I’ll take a look next time I’m around (you might wish to edit out your specific domain, using something like https://www.domainname.com instead, if you want to maintain a level of privacy).

    Good luck!

    @copernicus – that’s what I was missing. ?? Thank you so much!

    Copernicus – you are a champion. Seriously, I puzzeled for days. i even thought of learning some php to try and fix it. you are a legend.

    I do have a problem tho.
    I have:
    Activated the 1.07 plugin (having made the changes that Copernicus has suggested) on WP 2.7
    Made a Question Group and,
    Added 3 Questions to the group.
    Added the short code [faq summary ImnewFAQ] to the “FAQ page”

    My problem is:
    The faq doesnt show up. All that shows up is the actual text [faq summary ImnewFAQ].


    Each of the 3 questions has made a new “child” page of the “FAQ page” (parent page)
    and when I click on this link I am taken to a page only with [faq answer].

    Im not sure what I am doing wrong, but would appreciate any help.


    Hello reganfrank-

    I’ve run into both issues in the past.

    The first problem (in which the text [faq summmary…] shows up) can be solved by switching over to the HTML view of the editor once you want to input the code for your FAQ Summary. From the HTML editor view, type in “[faq summary ImnewFAQ]” (without the quotes) and then you can safely return to the Visual editor view and continue your page work.

    The second problem is most likely a scenario of the wording within the FAQ-tastic plugin being a bit confusing. You may have specified a page to which your FAQ group should be attached. If so, like the instructions with the plugin read, “If you specify a page then sub-pages will be created for every question.
    OR- it could be that you’ve used the “Publish a Simple FAQ” and the system is treating your FAQ with the same sub-page-for-each-question presentation that it does when you attach the FAQ group to a page.

    To get the FAQs to display in the manner that (I believe) is most commonly desired, simply

    1. Create a Question Group with “No Page” selected as the “Attached Page”
    2. Add questions & answers as you desire
    3. Separately, create (or edit) the page on which you wish the FAQ to display and enter the [faq summary…] code as referenced above
    4. All should be well.

    Keeping the page creation & FAQ group creation separate seems to work best for most of us. The FAQ-tastic plugin offers some higher-end functionality that works well within the world of FAQs, but for most of us it seems to prove a bit confusing and/or non-intuitive.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks Copernicus, will try this and get back to you.

    Ok, did as you suggested and Fixed the child/parent page problem.

    BUT the faq doesnt show up. All that shows up is the actual text [faq summary ImnewFAQ] ‘text’ still

    No faq yet. Any other suggestions

    @copernicus – Great fix, it was simple and worked for my 2.7 install.

    Anybody know how to change the order of questions in a simple FAQ? It says “Drag and Drop”, but that does not appear to be an option or I can’t figure it out.

    Hello reganfrank & bibflasso!

    regarfrank: did you switch into the HTML view of the WP editor to enter the tag/text “[faq summary ImnewFAQ]”?
    If so, try changing the name of your FAQ group to NOT use capital letters (opting for ‘imnewfaq’ instead of ‘ImnewFAQ’)

    bibflasso: Yes, you should be able to “drag & drop” the questions to reorder them. To do so, you simply visit the list of questions within a question group (WPAdmin>Tools>FAQ-Tastic>Questions for ‘YourGroupName’) then click on a question title and drag it up or down within the list of questions. If you’re able to view the question list but this functionality is not working, try visiting this part of the administration area in a different browser than the one you are using. It could have something to do with:

    • the settings of your browser
    • blocked or unavailable javascript (which is required for the drag & drop fun)
    • or your installation of FAQ-Tastic not properly calling the required javascript

    Good luck!


    Thanks to open source and great people helping.

    I have a different issue.

    I have done what needs to be done (i think), I have also disabled all plugins to see if they cause a problem. When I click on a question posted for editing and publishing I get the main page of my blog showing (screen shot) in the admin area of FAQ-Tastic

    From this url https://simonstownrealty.info/wp-admin/tools.php?page=faq-tastic.php

    Thanks for helping.


    Copernicus – regarding questions reordering in FAQ-tastic

    Thanks for the reply. I did know how it was supposed to work, but was unable to get it to function. I am able to rearrange some widgets via Drag & Drop but not this one in IE. I did try, as you suggested, using FireFox and that is working.

    Any suggestions on what’s up with IE? As it will affect my other users. I have checked Java Update and some of your other suggestions, but cannot figure it out.

    Thanks for sharing your intelligence. Keep up the Good Work!

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