• Does anyone know of a FAQ plugin? I would think it would retain questions in a database and then display them in a page. Also it would have sidebar tags to list FAQ categories.

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  • Hmm.. from this question


    It says that version 1.5 is supported though, maybe VaamYob can help

    Wauw – excellent plugin. Just what I’ve been searching for…

    BUT – whenever I post an answer on more than one line (fx. including code-snippets formatted with the code-tag) it clutches up on one line. Is it supposed to do it like that?

    What can I do to change that behaviour, so HTML is enabled in the answer-section?

    I just realised that the shortforms like :) don’t get converted to smilies images in the answers or questions. Is there a way to make it do that?

    Hi all -thanks for the observation. Yes I too was working under the assumption that the faq plugin was 1.5 worthy. I have a couple of 2.0 installs that are very similar to the 1.5.2 that I am having trouble with. I will give it a try on one of them and report back as soon as I can.

    Truth, that link did not work either. I have tried from 3 different computers (1 is a windoze pc using IE) and all do the same thing. Is anyone else having problems downloading the faq? It just keeps loading the index page over and over and a right click produces “error occurred” while trying to extract.

    I had trouble with many of the links as well. I finally got it from the link on this page: https://rane.hasitsown.com/blog/index.php

    The direct link to the zipped file is: https://rane.hasitsown.com/blog/wp-content/shared/faq.zip

    Sorry about the bad links guys, I’m in the middle of some early spring cleaning.

    It was 1.5 compatible until I added the feature to display the person who answered’s name in the FAQ.

    I’ll update the FAQ/links.

    The new/official website for my wordpress development is here:




    Updated to dis/allow visitors to ask questions (plus minor tweaks/fixes).


    This is a marvelous plugin, VaamYob. If I could add to the wishlist, it would be that hide/show ability be extended to the faq category labels. You click on the label, you see the questions.
    Now wouldn’t that be something?

    I am getting the following error in my dashboard on the write portion:

    <!-- var toolbar = document.getElementById("ed_toolbar");
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: rane_add_edit_button() in /home/justk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/faq/faq.php on line 167

    It looks like this function was eliminated in the current j version. I went back into a previous version I had and copied out the code for that function. It eliminated the error on the Post and Page write in admin, but it doesn’t do anything. Perhaps the plugin author will comment.

    I can’t recreate this. Can you guys please verify with the latest version of the plugin ?


    (it sounds familiar though, so it may have been reported and fixed)

    I have 0.4j. I just downloaded it. It is in the h version.

    So glad I stumbled on this thread! The reason it sounds familiar, Vaam, is that I’ve reported it twice from your website. ??

    I too have the 0.4j version, just grabbed it again from the rane site and it’s got the same problem. I don’t see it when I write a page, but I do see it when I write a post.

    – var toolbar = document.getElementById(“ed_toolbar”);
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: rane_add_edit_button() in /var/www/public_html/userid/virtualhosts/myfolder/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/faq/faq.php on line 167

    I do hope this can be fixed. It’s a keen plugin, and something I’d really like to continue using.

    Ouch !

    I had made the fix, but did not update the zip file.

    Please get the latest.

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