• Does anyone know of a FAQ plugin? I would think it would retain questions in a database and then display them in a page. Also it would have sidebar tags to list FAQ categories.

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  • OK, latest version now allows you to show/hide question/answer author.

    The ability to send an email to the person who asked the question has been implemented.

    Regarding “The ability to send an email to the person who asked the question has been implemented.” There is no options for that right? Is it an automatic feature? Because I don’t see that option.

    it’s a manual thing, it’s not automatic. You have to click on a button.

    erm, where is the button? I can’t find it? =x

    I only have these options:

    Automatically show answers
    Send Email when a question is asked
    Display Question metadata ?
    Display Answer metadata ?
    How do you access the wordpress installation ? Default: https://liberta.espoireve.com/wordpress

    It’s on a per question basis.
    You have to click on a button in the “Manage” screen.
    The button is only visible if the user supplied an email address and you provided an answer.

    Right.. found it.. thanks ??

    Just a suggestion: Is it possible to like have a table or something with the excerpt of the question and then button to modify, email, delete questions instead (or click on sth so that the modify text area appears for that question)? because it seems rather hard to find a question with the whole list scrolling down the page?

    Quickly hacked together an implementation of your suggestion (not exactly as you requested though).

    Thanks VaamYob – You’ve done brilliantly taking on user inputs and implimenting changes.

    I wish my pizza arrived just as quick, and with everything I ordered ??

    Update – I upgraded my test site to WP2.0 yesterday – what a god damn nightmare that was!

    So, I’m in the process of having my hosting company roll my test site BACK to version 1.5.2. which, thank god, I did a complete backup before upgrading.

    So I’ll just have to wait for them to complete before uploading your latest FAQ.


    Thanks VaamYob. It makes searching for questions so much easier now. Thank you for taking this suggestion ??

    A minor question, is it possible to add a line of php to render an image title in faq.php?

    I tried adding this echo ImageHeadline_render( 'Ask A Question' );

    but it appears in the wrong place, no idea how to put the php code inside the file =x

    I would like to know if there is a real easy way to add the latest question asked to the sidebar

    VaamYob, i am trying to download the newsest revision of your FAQ plugin from your page and when i click on “download here” your page just keeps taking back to the index.php page. Also tried to right click “download here” and “save as” but this file, when trying to extract, says file corrupt. Any idea why i cant download from your page?


    try the link from here?



    Hi Vaam Yob – just installed the plugin in a 1.5.2 install and get this error in several places:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'u.display_name' in 'field list']
    SELECT a.answer, a.rating_avg, a.id a_id, q.views, q.id q_id, q.question, question_approved, question_author, question_author_email, question_author_url, question_author_ip, c.cat_name, c.cat_id, u.display_name answer_author FROM wp_faq_questions q LEFT JOIN wp_faq_answers a ON q.id = a.q_id LEFT JOIN wp_faq_questions2cat q2c ON q.id = q2c.q_id LEFT JOIN wp_categories c ON q2c.cat_id = c.cat_id LEFT JOIN wp_users u ON a.answer_author_user_id = u.id WHERE q.question_approved = 0 ORDER BY c.cat_id, question_date desc

    It shows up on the Faq Manage page, the moderate page, and at the top of the page where the <!–faq–> tag is entered. you can see it here.

    Also, if I can get it working, two things that may be nice additions to this great plugin: a numbering system (so that I might say as an answer “see question #12”) and a way to have more than one faq per blog, although I can only imagine how difficult THAT might be…

    heyrsmith i could be wrong but i think this is just for wp 2.0.x

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