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  • timothly


    I am having trouble installing the plugin. After inputting my public and private keys, I hit the “Save” button and I am redirected to a “Changes saved” message. If I leave that page, the changes are undone and I have to re-enter the keys.

    Is this a plugin error or a problem with WP?

    Plugin Author FunCaptcha


    Hi timothly,

    When redirected you should be presented with the same form with everything filled out. We have many active sites using our plugin, so it could be some sort of conflict. (like this)

    Could you please let me know what theme and WordPress version you are using, I’ll test the combo out and get back to you ASAP.


    Hi Kevin! I received your email which directed me to the Support forum. I am running the default BuddyPress theme. The error still occurs when I switch themes leaving me to think the problem is either WordPress itself or the plugin’s compatability with my other plugins (BuddyPress, bbPress and Askimet).

    Plugin Author FunCaptcha


    Hello timothly,

    It certainly works with both Buddypress and Askimet, we have many sites with both of those plugins. I’ve also now tried with bbPress and those two and that also works for me.

    What version of WordPress are you running?

    I have a feeling it may be server related or configuration elated potentially.

    The best way to work it out would be if you could enable debugging, and see what error (if any) appears when you hit save settings, instructions on that are at this link:

    It may also help to try updating to our latest version of the plugin, we made changes to how settings work in that.

    Let me know and I’ll do my best to hunt this down and solve it!


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