Notifications: Field results-only, no labels, no numbered list
Hi, this is of course the best form plugin, but I’m having trouble with notification templates.
There is the dropdown to insert individual field result tokens in the template. This seems obviously there so that one can create a formatted template to suit one’s needs.
However, inserting a given token doesn’t do that. Instead, it creates a numbered list item with a bolded label and the result in a second line below that. So really, one cannot create a custom formatted notification template from the data at all.
Related: I saw a thread here that had filter code for removing labels, but that was for the {all_fields}?token and looked like it didn’t remove the numbered list either. That thread is here: Form email submissions notification content |
So the question is – Is it possible to just get the plain text result from a given field and not the label and not formatted as a numbered list?
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