• I finally found it. The perfect review plugin for what I’ve been looking for. There are others in this camp, but most I’ve found are very heavy, steep learning curve, or sort of take over your blog with styling, settings, etc.

    I simply wanted a method to import meta content of a movie/tv show into my blog posts so that I could once-and-for-all leave behind the whole cycle of:

    1) searching for the title on the net
    2) downloading/stealing a poster
    3) uploading to my blog, along with details

    Those steps take away from what’s really important: my review.

    The simple, yet elegant integration with TMDB is just great. Kudos!

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  • Plugin Author Kostas Stathakos


    Thank you for your review and kind words. The positive aspects of the plugin that you highlight were the goals behind it’s development so it’s very rewarding to hear this was accomplished to some extent. Thank you!

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