• Hi folks, awesome work with the whole family of T&Ts plugins. Clean, simple.

    I have purchased WP e-STORE and downloaded several of the add-ons, including Compact Audio Player.

    I actually have two unrelated questions regarding WP CAP “fancy12” short code. (perhaps these should be 2 separate posts).

    here is the shortcode I’m testing:
    [wp_eStore_fancy12 id=1]

    1) the content as displayed in the post, does not spread across the block. Instead, the title is wrapped to the next line, and the play button, price and add to cart button are pushed to the left, leaving the right half of the block empty. Fix?

    here’s a link to the test page

    and this…

    2) we have literally over 300 mp3s, is it possible to have a multi-track shortcode for the player; as opposed to having to post a short code for each track? Ideally we’d like to list the entire collection of songs in alphabetical order.



  • The topic ‘Fancy Short Code player for multiple tracks/compilations’ is closed to new replies.