Thank you for your response, Dennis. I delayed in answering you, as I needed my webhost to unhide my website. It might help for you to visit it at, especially as I may have 3 issues – 2 of which are related.
On the website, look at the portfolio subpage Landscapes and compare this with the subpage botanicals. I may have a problem with the uploaded image size. Under Botanicals, you’ll see that the thumbnail for “Columbine” is sized & proportioned correctly. Under Landscapes, the “Winter Stream” thumbnail is not.
Also, under seasonal, you’ll see that again, the first image thumbnail is cropped, when I prefer to show the whole image. And, when you click on that to open the image it is larger than the screen. Is this another size limit issue?
And, lastly, I only seem to be able to create 3 galleries when I need more than that. Is that an issue of the free Lite vs paid version?
I have tried many of the available portfolio and gallery plugins and find yours to be the closest to what I’m seeking. If we get the size issues resolved, then it is exactly what I want, and it is easy to use. Thank you for the thought and attention to detail you’ve obviously put into developing this.
Thank you very much! Ellen Todd