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  • In apparence – famous options – settings global elements – TEXT LOGO CONTENT from Home to your new text and save changes

    Currently the option to turn on Blog posts is greyed out in my Famous Options dashboard under Home Page Options. Any idea why or how I can turn it on? Thanks. -N8

    I initially thought this would be a great theme to work with but I’m inclined to say otherwise now. What kind of free with option to upgrade theme disables core WordPress functions that anyone would expect to be present (like changing the favicon or having blog comments visible) DISABLED? I mean if you want to get paid for the theme that bad, don’t offer a free version period. And if you really think you need to offer a free version disable ‘special’ features like the slider or that comment form in the footer … Not impressed with the theme’s dysfunction enough to be enticed to pay for an ‘upgrade’ especially when the theme creators own site in the same layout is a mess …

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