• Resolved tentacledfiend


    I don’t use the plugin, but I frequently visit blogs that do. I have never spammed the comments of any of these blogs – in fact, I believe that I’ve only ever left one comment on a blog before, and it wasn’t an endorsement or advertisement of any kind. Today, though, I woke up to find that my IP address has apparently been ‘flagged’. There is no option offered that allows me to contest this or to contact somebody, and I really have to say that I’m impressed with how incredibly unprofessional it is not only to mistakenly flag me for no reason, but to force me to create a wordpress account and track down this forum simply to tell anybody. A+ job blocking me from some of my favorite websites, guys. I really appreciate your efforts.


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  • I’m having the same issue. When I try to go to Clearwater.org’s site I am blocked, and I’m a big supporter of them and have definitely never spammed!!

    How do we clear our IP address?

    @katonahgreen: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    Plugin Author petervanderdoes


    Several options:

    Your IP is blacklisted by the site owner.
    Resolution: Contact the site owner

    Your IP exists in a 3rd party database
    Resolution: Check your IP and contact them with your IP address

    Check your IP:

    3rd Parties used:
    – Stop Form Spam: https://www.stopforumspam.com/
    – Project Honey Pot: https://www.projecthoneypot.org/home.php
    – Spamhaus: https://www.spamhaus.org/

    If you are not in any of these lists, your IP might be cached by the site owner, contact them and ask to remove your IP from the cache.

    According to the above post of petervanderdoes (Plugin Author) one of sources of IPs to be blocked is Spamhaus. Spamhaus uses some databases, of which one database (XBL) is currently an equivalent of CBL as stated at https://www.spamhaus.org/faq/section/Spamhaus%20XBL#140:
    “What source data is incorporated into the XBL?
    The XBL incorporates data from the CBL (Composite Block List), and no other data sources are present at this time. Therefore, XBL and CBL are coincident at present. However, further data sources may be added to XBL in the future.”
    Thus strong“AVH First Defense Against Spam” may block access to WWW pages for some IPs solely on the basis of their presence in CBL.strong

    However on one of pages at https://cbl.abuseat.org/ it is clearly stated that “strongThe CBL is intended to be used only on inbound email from the Internet.
    If you are being blocked from IRC, Chat, web sites, web email interfaces (eg: you’re using Internet Explorer or Firefox to send email) or anything other than basic email with a mail reader like Exchange, Thunderbird etc, the provider of this service is using the CBL against our recommendations. Contact the provider and refer them to https://cbl.abuseat.org/tandc.html and refer them to item 2 and 7.strong

    Thus either AVH plugin shouldn’t be used for blocking access to WEB pages, or AVH author should exclude CBL database as source of blacklisted IPs. In no case webadmin of a site using WordPress as platform can be held responsible for apparent mistake made in design of one of elements of the platform (and in my opinion AVH really IS very important element of WordPress platform).

    Besides, one could expect that author after many reported cases of unjustifiable IP blocking should try to verify validity of his assumptions. My research presented above took less than half an hour…

    Plugin Author petervanderdoes


    Removed the CBL checked in Version 3.6.8

    Thanks rakozy

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