Failure to create venuemeta table on activation (php7?)
Very nice plugin, well designed for ease of customization! But there may be a minor problem with fresh installations on servers running php7. The plugin failed to create the venuemeta table when I activated the plugin on live servers (running php7), but activated and worked perfectly on my testing server (php 5.3). Here are what I believe to be the salient details:
? On (the only) two sites where I installed the eo plugin, the plugin activation page displayed an error message about the failure to create the venuemeta table, and recommended that I de-activate/re-activate the plugin, which I did (there was no error message when I re-activated the plugin).
? Later, when I tried to incorporate a venue map, the maps showed my venues in the Atlantic ocean. I could go through the motions of entering a venue, but the no venue meta data was retained.
? I activated the plugin on my testing server. It installed with no problems, and the venue maps worked perfectly.
? While examining one of the online databases I noticed that the venuemeta table did not exist (i.e., re-activating did not correct the table creation failure). I imported a copy of the empty table from my testing server to the live servers, after which the venue maps worked perfectly on the live servers.
? The main difference between my testing server and the live server is that the testing server (on my laptop) is still running php 5.3. Since several deprecated MySQL functions were replaced by slightly revised forms of the functions in php7, I’m speculating that the failure to create the venuemeta table may have to do with the live server running php7, though I am not 100% certain of this (it could have to do with some obscure peculiarity of WordPress’s dbDelta function interacting with the phase of the moon…).
Anyway I hope this helps. The folks at are very happy to have a modern calendar…
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