• awp87


    Could you review the diagnostics tests and advise whether there are any issues? I am receiving “Failue to authenticate” when sending emails.

    cURL Version: 7.38.0
    OpenSSL Version: OpenSSL/1.0.1t
    OS: Linux fdf56ae9e641
    PHP: Linux 5.6.31 C
    PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=No, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=No, zlib_encode=Yes
    WordPress: 5.1.1 en_US UTF-8
    WordPress Theme: Divi Child
    WordPress Plugins: Share Buttons by AddThis, All-in-One WP Migration Google Drive Extension, All-in-One WP Migration, Contact Form 7, Divi 100 Login Page, DP Portfolio Posts Pro, Duplicate Menu, Duplicate Post, Elegant Themes Updater, Insert Headers and Footers, One-Click Child Theme, Podamibe Simple Footer Widget Area, Post SMTP, Redirection, Relevanssi, Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM, Toolset Types, UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore, Yoast SEO, WP Post Popup, WP Retina 2x
    WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email
    WordPress phpmailer_init Action(s): wpcf7_phpmailer_init
    Postman: 1.9.8
    Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): <Hidden> | <Hidden>
    Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No | No
    Postman Active Transport: SMTP (smtps:plain://<Hiding SMTP>)
    Postman Active Transport Status (Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes
    Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 0 | 207

    Best Regards,

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