When I make changes in the settings from wp photo album plus I get an error.
This is correct. The file contains init data, highly dependant on settings and language. After changing a setting it will be deleted. The first front-end page load should re-create it. On all my sites it works without any problems, with CHMOD 755, so the only thing that i did not expect was the failure of the creation of the file.
I will release a fix for this today ( 5.2.14, although i am not supersticious, i will for obvious reasons skip version number 5.2.13 ).
It is all about this piece of code in the pages content:
<!-- WPPA+ Runtime parameters -->
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
wppaDebug = false;
wppaVersion = "5-2-11-000";
wppaBackgroundColorImage = "#f7fbf2";
wppaPopupLinkType = "photo";
wppaAnimationType = "fadeover";
wppaAnimationSpeed = 1200;
wppaImageDirectory = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/images/";
wppaThumbnailAreaDelta = 14;
wppaTextFrameDelta = 181;
wppaBoxDelta = 14;
wppaSlideShowTimeOut = 6000;
wppaPreambule = 4;
wppaFilmShowGlue = true;
wppaSlideShow = "Diavoorstelling";
wppaStart = "Start";
wppaStop = "Stop";
wppaSlower = "Trager";
wppaFaster = "Sneller";
wppaPhoto = "Foto";
wppaOf = "van";
wppaPreviousPhoto = "Vorige foto";
wppaNextPhoto = "Volgende foto";
wppaPrevP = "Vorige";
wppaNextP = "Volgende";
wppaAvgRating = "Gem. waardering";
wppaMyRating = "Mijn waardering";
wppaAvgRat = "Gem.";
wppaMyRat = "Mijn";
wppaDislikeMsg = "U heeft deze afbeelding als ongepast gemarkeerd.";
wppaShowDislikeCount = true;
wppaNoDislikes = "Geen afkeuren";
wppa1Dislike = "1 afkeur";
wppaDislikes = "afkeuren";
wppaIncludingMine = "inclusief mijn";
wppaMiniTreshold = 500;
wppaUserName = "OpaJaap";
wppaRatingOnce = false;
wppaPleaseName = "Voer a.u.b. uw naam in";
wppaPleaseEmail = "Voer a.u.b. een geldig email adres in";
wppaPleaseComment = "Voer a.u.b een reactie in";
wppaHideWhenEmpty = false;
wppaBGcolorNumbar = "#cccccc";
wppaBcolorNumbar = "#cccccc";
wppaBGcolorNumbarActive = "#333333";
wppaBcolorNumbarActive = "#333333";
wppaFontFamilyNumbar = "";
wppaFontSizeNumbar = "px";
wppaFontColorNumbar = "#777777";
wppaFontWeightNumbar = "bold";
wppaFontFamilyNumbarActive = "";
wppaFontSizeNumbarActive = "px";
wppaFontColorNumbarActive = "#777777";
wppaFontWeightNumbarActive = "bold";
wppaNumbarMax = "10";
wppaLang = "";
wppaAjaxUrl = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php";
wppaSiteUrl = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress";
wppaNextOnCallback = true;
wppaRatingUseAjax = true;
wppaStarOpacity = 0.25;
wppaTickImg.src = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/images/tick.png";
wppaClockImg.src = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/images/clock.png";
wppaSlideWrap = true;
wppaLightBox = "wppa";
wppaEmailRequired = true;
wppaSlideBorderWidth = 7;
wppaAllowAjax = true;
wppaUsePhotoNamesInUrls = false;
wppaThumbTargetBlank = false;
wppaRatingMax = 5;
wppaRatingDisplayType = "graphic";
wppaRatingPrec = 2;
wppaStretch = false;
wppaMinThumbSpace = 7;
wppaThumbSpaceAuto = true;
wppaMagnifierCursor = "magnifier-medium.png";
wppaArtMonkyLink = "file";
wppaAutoOpenComments = false;
wppaUpdateAddressLine = false;
wppaUploadUrl = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/wppa";
wppaFilmThumbTitle = "Dubbel klik voor start/stop diavoorstelling";
wppaVoteForMe = "Vote for me!";
wppaVotedForMe = "Voted for me";
wppaSlideSwipe = true;
wppaMaxCoverWidth = 640;
wppaLightboxSingle = false;
wppaDownLoad = "Download";
wppaSlideToFullpopup = false;
wppaComAltSize = 75;
wppaBumpViewCount = true;
wppaShareHideWhenRunning = false;
wppaFotomoto = false;
wppaArtMonkeyButton = true;
wppaFotomotoHideHideWhenRunning = false;
wppaFotomotoMinWidth = 400;
/* ]]> */
and coding purists want me to put this in a file to be loaded by wp_enqueue_script(). This will cause the actual download only once, further it will be taken from the browser cache, until it is renewed.
The workaround i will provide, is the in the case the file can not be created, it will be output like it was before, including a warning message in the page source, so the user will not be bothered with it anymore.
Hope this makes things clear.