• Several of my users continue to get the message “Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method”.

    I have been unable to duplicate the issue for myself, and 95% of all my users have no issues.

    Additionally, it does not seem to be consistent across all the forms. Some forms work while others do not.

    I have had them try different browsers, different computers/devices and clear internet cache.

    Please advise.

    BTW – this issue seems to have started post update to latest version of plugin.


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  • Intermittent problems indicates issues with your form content. This is usually due to email headers particularly if a collected From email address used.

    See Contact Form 7 Email Issues – this links to a much more comprehensive article which also covers problem.

    Thread Starter shamburg


    Thanks buzztone. Not sure that is the issue though. The form content has not changed in over a year. Additionally, as stated, the issue only started after the latest update of the plugin and only a few of my users are experiencing it.

    I have read your article in depth, (nice article BTW). I have been using WP-SMTP Mail since the inception of my website almost 3 years ago.

    My mail routes via godaddy (tried gmail and couldnt get it to connect to the SMTP server). It has been like that, again for almost 3 years.

    My hosting hasnt changed in, you guessed it, 3 years.

    Nothing really has changed except for the update of the plugin.

    There has been a significant increase in problems in sending to some email addresses from all WP form plugins following Yahoo’s change in their DMARC policy in April 2014.

    ??Please include a link to your Contact Form 7 form plus all your input in the Form and Mail sections of the CF7 interface.

    You will probably be mistaken if you focus on this happening since the last update – it’s most likely just a coincidence.

    Thread Starter shamburg


    fair enough…although the email isn’t even going out to get to any servers. The user is getting the error immediately upon clicking submit.

    This is a link to one of the forms in question.


    Form Section:

    <font color="red">REQUIRED FIELD*</font> <br/>
    <p>Today's Date<font color="red">*</font> [date* date 10/]   <p>Your Name [dynamictext first-name 10/"CF7_get_current_user key='first_name'"] [dynamictext last-name 10/"CF7_get_current_user key='last_name'"]</p>
    [checkbox Addrchange "My address has changed"]<br />
    Street [dynamictext street 30/ "CF7_get_current_user key='addr1'" ]  Apt or Suite # [dynamictext apt-suite 10/"CF7_get_current_user key='apt_suite'"]<br/>
    City [dynamictext city 15/"CF7_get_current_user key='city'"] State [dynamictext state 1/"CF7_get_current_user key='thestate'"] Zip [dynamictext zip 5/"CF7_get_current_user key='zip'"]</p>
    <p>Phone Number [dynamictext phone 12/"CF7_get_current_user key='phone1'"]  Email [dynamictext user-email 30/ "CF7_get_current_user key='user_email'"]</p>
    <font color="red">Hourly Rate</font> $[text* rate 4/]
    <strong>ROUND ALL HOURS WORKED TO THE NEAREST <font color="red">QUARTER</font> HOUR</strong>
    <p><font color="red">Event Name [text* Event]  Date</font> [date* Date1 10/] <br/>
    # of Hours Worked [number hours1 "0"]
    Mileage per <a href="https://maps.google.com/" target="_blank">Google Maps</a> [text mileage1 4/ "0.00"]
    (Please enter only mileage greater than a 30 mile radius from your home address)
    <p>Event Name [text Event2]  Date [date Date2 10/]   <br/>
    # of Hours Worked [number hours2 "0"]
    Mileage per <a href="https://maps.google.com/" target="_blank">Google Maps</a> [text mileage2 4/ "0.00"]
    (Please enter only mileage greater than a 30 mile radius from your home address)
    <p>Event Name [text Event3]  Date [date Date3 10/]  <br/>
    # of Hours Worked [number hours3 "0"]
    Mileage per <a href="https://maps.google.com/" target="_blank">Google Maps</a> [text mileage3 4/ "0.00"]
    (Please enter only mileage greater than a 30 mile radius from your home address)
    <p><font color="red">I have submitted my PCR's for this invoice</font>  - [checkbox* PCRs exclusive "Yes" "No" "N/A"]</p>
    If NO or N/A Please explain:
    [textarea textarea-310 x3]
    <p>Please List Any Expenses for Reimbursement 
    Other $[number other "0.00"]
    List "Other" Items [text otherdef]
    <p>Scanned Receipts Are Acceptable
    [file receipts filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|pdf]</p>
    <div style="border: none; padding: 4px; text-align: right; padding-right: 150px;">
    Total Hours [text* thours readonly 2/]  Subtotal Amount Due $[text* stdue readonly 4/]
    Mileage Reimbursement $[text gas readonly 4/]
    Total Expenses $[text* extra readonly 4/]
    Grand Total Due This Invoice $[text* gtotal readonly 4/]
    <div style="visibility:hidden">
    <input style="text-align:center;" type="text" name="kitfee1" size="2" value="0" readonly="readonly"><input style="text-align:center;" type="text" name="kitfee2" size="2" value="0" readonly="readonly"><input style="text-align:center;" type="text" name="kitfee3" size="2" value="0" readonly="readonly"></div>
    <div style="border: none; padding: 4px; text-align: right; padding-right: 150px;">
    <i>Total Will Be Rounded to the Nearest Two Decimal Places</i>
    <input type="button" value="Click here" style="background:red; color:white; border: 2px black solid" onclick="this.form.thours.value=add(this.form.hours1.value,this.form.hours2.value,this.form.hours3.value,0);this.form.stdue.value=(this.form.thours.value*this.form.rate.value);this.form.gas.value=add(this.form.mileage1.value,this.form.mileage2.value,this.form.mileage3.value,0)*.56;this.form.extra.value=add(this.form.other.value,0,0,0);this.form.gtotal.value=add(this.form.other.value, this.form.stdue.value,this.form.gas.value,0);"> to Calculate All Totals. 
    [checkbox* agreement label_first "By checking this box I agree that the total amount due is correct."]
    [submit]  <INPUT TYPE=RESET>

    Mail section of form:

    To: [email protected] (not yahoo)
    From: [your-name] <[email protected]> (not yahoo)
    Subject: [first-name] [last-name]’s Invoice
    Additional headers: cc: [user-email]
    File attachments: [receipts]

    I see 2 potential problem areas in your form.

    1. From: [your-name] <[email protected]> (not yahoo)

    I can’t see the [your-name] tag ??defined in your form so not clear what it’s value would be. Some hosts can be very picky about from email addresses being a valid email address on their server. Using same email for To: & From: is another problem on some hosts.

    2. ????Following inline JavaScript:

    <input type="button" value="Click here" style="background:red; color:white; border: 2px black solid" onclick="this.form.thours.value=add(this.form.hours1.value,this.form.hours2.value,this.form.hours3.value,0);this.form.stdue.value=(this.form.thours.value*this.form.rate.value);this.form.gas.value=add(this.form.mileage1.value,this.form.mileage2.value,this.form.mileage3.value,0)*.56;this.form.extra.value=add(this.form.other.value,0,0,0);this.form.gtotal.value=add(this.form.other.value, this.form.stdue.value,this.form.gas.value,0);"> to Calculate All Totals.?

    Inline ?JavaScript is definitely unrecommended in WordPress nowadays and could intermittently interfere with CF7’s JavaScript and lead to Failed to Send Message.

    Thread Starter shamburg


    I appreciate the feedback. The [your-name] was spotted and removed after I posted the last.

    The javascript is not only needed for my form, but has been there forever. I have never had an issue with it.

    Additionally, the couple people that were/are having issues tried submitting from a different IP address and it worked. Seems to be an issue with their providers?

    Thread Starter shamburg


    if you have any suggestions on how to replace the Javascript and maintain the functionality, I am open to suggestion.

    See Using Javascript ? WordPress Codex.

    ??How long your inline JavaScript has been there has little or no relevance. Rather it depends on other JavaScript used in your other plugins or your theme. Using you current approach it is likely your CF7 form may not send if you get a JavaScript error elsewhere.

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