Well, when a form was functioning properly at one point but now it isn’t, there’s probably something wrong with the plugin. It does appear tied to WP 4.4.1, but it’s not affecting most of my clients’ sites. The client who’s having an issue is also hosted on GoDaddy–I don’t know if that could be part of the problem?
All I know is, the contact form that’s throwing the error is definitely set up correctly, and was working fine for two years. I upgraded the site to WP 4.4.1 and now the forms are throwing the previously mentioned red error message.
I will say, though, that I have the CF7 database plugin on the same site, and the messages *do* appear to be going through! So I’m really confused as to why site visitors are seeing a “Failed to send” error. I really don’t want to have to roll back to the previous version of WP, but I’m not sure what else to do.