Buzztone, hope you don’t get this wrong, but it seems to me that “Thanks”, “great”, “sorry” are words that you don’t use that often, and you should try to start using them specially if you are going to give customer support.
If i say that this is definitely a bug is because i was using it before the update, and I don’t mind if 90 or 99 percent of the people has no problem using this plug-in (and I know is the best and the most famous one in the whole wordpress, for contact forms). If you have ever worked as a developer, you must know that this things happen, no matter that 99% of the people can make it work, that doesn’t mean that the other 1% is doing something wrong.. some of them might.. and some other might be experiencing some bug in the integration between your software and the platform.
“Making SMTP the default email sending solution would be a major retrograde step for the majority of CF7 users on suitable WordPress hosts IMHO.”
Is it really that your conclusion about my suggestion? well let me throw some light on this matter. What about, leaving the contact form 7 as always and just in case someone needs it (my case and some others), or just want to use their own SMTP, adding an advanced settings tab somewhere in the panel. Retrograde is what you are dong by assuming all the users are dummy′s and you don’t need to listen to their questions, requirements and suggestions.