The first form page code is:
<p>Your Email*: [email* email-969]</p>
<p>Witch products do you sell ? (%)*:
[checkbox* checkbox-920 “a”] [number* number-610 min:0 max:100 “0”]%
[checkbox checkbox-921 “b”] [number number-611 min:0 max:100 “0”]%
[checkbox checkbox-922 “c”] [number number-612 min:0 max:100 “0”]%
[checkbox checkbox-923 “d”] [number number-613 min:0 max:100 “0”]%</p>
<p>How long have you been selling X? :
[radio radio-65 default:0 “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” “6” “7” “8” “9” “10”] years</p>
<p>What is your annual turnover?*:
[radio radio-166 default:0 “a” “b” “c” “d”]</p>
<p>Which brands do you sell the most?*:
[text* text-680 placeholder “Brand 1*”] [number* number-810 min:0 max:100 “0”]%
[text text-681 placeholder "Brand 2"] [number* number-811 min:0 max:100 “0”]%
[text text-682 placeholder "Brand 3"] [number* number-812 min:0 max:100 “0”]%</p>
[multistep “1-2-https://body-wholesale.com/become-a-reseller-step-2/”]
[submit “Next Step”]
The second form page code is:
<p>How do you supply your products?
[radio radio-324 default:0 “a” “b” “c” “d”]
– Other : [text textarea-416] </p>
<p>In which countries are your customers ?
1 – [text text-950]
2 – [text text-951]
3 – [text text-952]</p>
[radio radio-329 default:0 “1-10” “10-20” “20-30” “30-40” “40-50” “50-60” “60-70” “70-80” “80-90” “90-100”]
[radio radio-665 default:0 “YES” “NO”]
[textarea* your-message] </p>
[multistep “2-2”]
<p>[submit “Send”]</p>
<p>(or [previous “Go Back”]</p>
Do you see anything unusual?
Thank you for your help, much appreciated!