Hi @adamludolph –
In order to generate critical CSS, we need to have a working connection between your site and Jetpack. Right now, we’re seeing the error: http_request_failed cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 15001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
This error typically means that your server isn’t responding quick enough to our requests and is timing out. It may indicate excessive load on your server.
I would recommend checking with your hosting provider on your server load. They may be able to identify issues that are causing it to respond slowly. Additionally, please also check for anything that is blocking requests toxmlrpc.php
Jetpack? uses? this ?file ?to? communicate ?with ?your ?site, ?but ?some ?hosts ?block? connection ?requests ?to ?that ?file.
Our? requests ?look ?like ?the ?following:
- ?File:? ?xmlrpc.php?
- User-agent ?header:? Jetpack ?by ?WordPress.com
- IPs: ?https://jetpack.com/support/how-to-add-jetpack-ips-allowlist/
Please ?ask ?them? to ?allowlist ?the ?IP ?addresses? listed? above. ?Note? that ?these ?IP ?addresses ?could? change ?(or ?more ?could ?be? added)? at ?any ?time,? which? could? break? your? connection ?to ?Jetpack. ?For ?this? reason, ?we ?actually ?discourage ?allowing ?specific ?IPs, ?although ?with? some? hosts ?it ?may ?be ?the? only ?option.
Once you have a working connection with Jetpack, you should be able to generate Critical CSS without issue.
Let ?us ?know ?how? that ?goes.