We have identified the error, if previously you have set the Custom setting for the layout to 0 in the Location Settings for the printer, this is the reason print jobs are failing, as shown here: https://ibb.co/GC9Z3mC
To solve the print fail problem, please define custom values based upon your printer model, as shown here: https://ibb.co/k2xHYkT
Adding a defined width and height, recommended as 80 width and 2000 height will resolve a print failure. For the height setting a 2000MM will make sure the right size is cut based upon the length. Please review these Custom layout settings and update based upon the printer.
If the issue continues, as we highlighted in the previous response. We’d like to review the logs for the app to understand the failure. Please click on the BizSwoop icon, select Get Logs. Please do not post your logs on the public support forum. Submit these logs to our official support channel at bizswoop.com/support. Select the support option Printer Manager + BizPrint Cloud Service and include the necessary information along with the logs. We will follow-up directly with you.