Failed Backup process errors
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:17] Zoeken naar PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand.
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:17] PHP CLI bestandsnaam php
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:17] PHP CLI versie: 7.4.27 (cli)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:17] PHP CLI Geheugen beperking: 768M/512M
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:17] PHP CLI Uitvoering beperking: 0/0
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:17] We hebben PHP CLI uitvoerbaar bestand correct vastgesteld.
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Er ging iets fout tijdens PHP CLI proces, back-up wordt voortgezet met legacy methodes.
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Back-up initialiseren…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Backup & Migration versie: 1.1.9
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Site waarvan een back-up wordt gemaakt
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] PHP versie: 7.4.27
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] WP versie: 5.8.3
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Web server Apache
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 259200
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Max. rijen per zoekopdracht (deze site): 300
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Controleren of de back-up folder beschrijfbaar is…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Premium plugin is ingeschakeld en geactiveerd
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Ja, het is beschrijfbaar…
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:19] Bestanden scannen…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Back-up via PHP CLI succesvol begonnen.
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Back-up initialiseren…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Backup & Migration versie: 1.1.9
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Site waarvan een back-up wordt gemaakt
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] PHP versie: 7.4.27
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] WP versie: 5.8.3
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Web server Apache
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Maximale uitvoeringstijd (in seconden) 259200
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Max. rijen per zoekopdracht (deze site): 300
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Controleren of de back-up folder beschrijfbaar is…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Premium plugin is ingeschakeld en geactiveerd
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Aangepaste foutafhandeling initialiseren
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Ja, het is beschrijfbaar…
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Bestanden scannen…
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (545.52 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (562.78 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (597.57 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (664.63 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (673.76 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (673.76 MB)
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Vrije ruimte controleren, reserveren…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Vereist minstens 6044414054 bytes. [5.63 GB]
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld – met behulp van het…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Er is 708,541.76 MB vrij. [691.94 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Bevestigd, er is meer dan genoeg ruimte, gecontroleerd: 6044414054 bytes
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Scannen klaar – gevonden 21236 bestanden…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Back-up ge?nitialiseerd…
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Archiveringssysteem initialiseren…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Archiefsysteem ge?nitialiseerd…
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Kaart met bestanden voorbereiden…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Bestanden voorbereid.
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Compressieproces starten…
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Slimme geheugen berekening…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Er is 768 MB geheugen om te gebruiken
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] WordPress geheugenlimiet: 768 MBs
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] De veilige limiet instellen op 115 MB
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Bezig met het maken van database back-up (via V2 engine, vereist minstens V1.1.0 voor terugzetten)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Itererende database…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Memory usage after initialization: 148.67 MB
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (597.57 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (442.21 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (673.76 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (664.63 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (562.78 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (545.52 MB)
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Dit bestand is nogal groot overweeg om het uit te sluiten, als de back-up mislukt ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (673.76 MB)
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Vrije ruimte controleren, reserveren…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Vereist minstens 6044414054 bytes. [5.63 GB]
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Schijf vrije ruimtefunctie is niet uitgeschakeld – met behulp van het…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Controleren van dit pad/partitie: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Er is 708,541.59 MB vrij. [691.94 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Super! We hebben genoeg ruimte.
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Bevestigd, er is meer dan genoeg ruimte, gecontroleerd: 6044414054 bytes
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Scannen klaar – gevonden 21236 bestanden…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Back-up ge?nitialiseerd…
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Archiveringssysteem initialiseren…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Scan found 69 tables (40292 rows), estimated total size: 27.24 MB.
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Memory usage after getting table names: 148.70 MB
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting table recipes…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table recipes have been exported.
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Memory usage after loading recipes: 148.76 MB
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Saving recipes…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Recipes saved.
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 148.72 MB
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Exporting table data…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (2.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.11696 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00312 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (0.59 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.14170 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_bws_list_countries (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_bws_list_countries cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_bws_list_ip (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_bws_list_ip cloned, operation took: 0.00013 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_cartflows_ca_cart_abandonment (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_cartflows_ca_cart_abandonment cloned, operation took: 0.00923 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_cartflows_ca_email_history (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_cartflows_ca_email_history cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_cartflows_ca_email_templates (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_cartflows_ca_email_templates cloned, operation took: 0.00052 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_cartflows_ca_email_templates_meta (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_cartflows_ca_email_templates_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00350 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.16 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.01592 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_ld_notifications_delayed_emails (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_ld_notifications_delayed_emails cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_learndash_user_activity (0.69 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Table: wp_learndash_user_activity cloned, operation took: 0.04706 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:20] Getting data of table: wp_learndash_user_activity_meta (2.09 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Table: wp_learndash_user_activity_meta cloned, operation took: 0.31460 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Getting data of table: wp_mailchimp_carts (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Table: wp_mailchimp_carts cloned, operation took: 0.00011 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Getting data of table: wp_mailchimp_jobs (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Table: wp_mailchimp_jobs cloned, operation took: 0.00010 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Getting data of table: wp_mollie_pending_payment (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Table: wp_mollie_pending_payment cloned, operation took: 0.00009 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:21] Getting data of table: wp_options (8.14 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:22] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.70100 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:22] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (5.98 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:22] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.93063 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:22] Getting data of table: wp_posts (3.73 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 0.37794 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00145 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00384 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00116 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00274 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (0.63 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.05399 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_users (0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.00315 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_vstrsnln_detailing (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_vstrsnln_detailing cloned, operation took: 0.01566 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_vstrsnln_general (0.11 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_vstrsnln_general cloned, operation took: 0.01081 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00327 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_notes (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_admin_notes cloned, operation took: 0.00416 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_category_lookup (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_category_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00047 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_customer_lookup (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_customer_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00285 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_download_log (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_download_log cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00192 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00210 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_stats (0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_order_stats cloned, operation took: 0.00243 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00016 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup (0.11 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup cloned, operation took: 0.00208 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_rate_limits (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_rate_limits cloned, operation took: 0.00017 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_reserved_stock (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_reserved_stock cloned, operation took: 0.00013 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes cloned, operation took: 0.00042 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wc_webhooks (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wc_webhooks cloned, operation took: 0.00011 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys cloned, operation took: 0.00011 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies cloned, operation took: 0.00010 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions cloned, operation took: 0.00011 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_log (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_log cloned, operation took: 0.00010 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (0.27 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta cloned, operation took: 0.01860 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_items (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_order_items cloned, operation took: 0.00270 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00015 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens cloned, operation took: 0.00012 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_sessions (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_sessions cloned, operation took: 0.00112 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00014 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods cloned, operation took: 0.00010 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones cloned, operation took: 0.00012 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00012 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates cloned, operation took: 0.00009 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_category (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_category cloned, operation took: 0.00009 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_form (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_form cloned, operation took: 0.00009 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_lock (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_lock cloned, operation took: 0.00009 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_master (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_master cloned, operation took: 0.00211 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_prerequisite (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_prerequisite cloned, operation took: 0.00052 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_question (0.28 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_question cloned, operation took: 0.01528 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_statistic (0.28 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_statistic cloned, operation took: 0.07793 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_statistic_ref (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_statistic_ref cloned, operation took: 0.00700 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_template (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_template cloned, operation took: 0.00056 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_toplist (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wp_pro_quiz_toplist cloned, operation took: 0.00013 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Getting data of table: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00185 ms
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Table data exported.
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Memory usage after data export: 148.71 MB
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Entire process took: 3.1438 s
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Database back-up voltooid
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Archief maken
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Aan het comprimeren…
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] PclZip-module aan het gebruiken om de back-up te maken
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Legacy-instelling: Gebruiken van standaardmodules afhankelijk van gebruikersserver
[INFO] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Achtergrondproces starten aan serverzijde…
[SUCCESS] [2022-01-09 16:08:23] Request sent successfully, without error returned.
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:25] Kon geen reactie krijgen van server, wordt opnieuw geprobeerd in 3 seconden.
[WARN] [2022-01-09 16:08:28] Nog steeds niets, back-up wordt waarschijnlijk niet uitgevoerd.
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:28] Back-up terugzetten, bestand verwijderen…
[ERROR] [2022-01-09 16:08:28] Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het maken van een back-up…
[ERROR] [2022-01-09 16:08:28] Backup could not run on your server, please check global logs.
[STEP] [2022-01-09 16:08:28] Back-up afbreken…
[DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Bestand gedownload op (servertijd) 2022-01-09 16:08:31
[DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (seconden) 14 seconden geleden
[DOWNLOAD GEGENEREERD] Laatste update (datum) 2022-01-09 16:08:17
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