I set my computer’s time zone to be US Eastern (New York) and I see the correct times on your site
huh. okay
i quit my browser and re-ran, now it seems correct to me too
By the way, this shortcode is intended to work with a specific date and time, as opposed to “Tuesdays” and “Thursdays”.
yeah, i figured.
When you say “Tuesday 7:00 PM” it interprets that as “next Tuesday”, not Tuesdays in general (8/19 is what I see).
yeah, i know
The effect will be roughly what you want except for the week right before we start / stop daylight savings time, when the quoted time will be off by an hour.
hah, interesting. yep that makes sense
it sure would be nice to be able to adjust the user time zone display, since i do not need / want dates, but only days of week, displayed
thanks for looking into it! ??