• I already had the Instant Article for WP Plugin set up on the website https://www.vascomarques.com. Then, for reasons of incompatibility it was removed. Now Installing now reports the error:
    “Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException thrownError validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.”
    And then I can′t make any kind of change or configuration, because of error. Only through CPanel is that I could remove. After installing I can′t access to the menu Plugins on the website.

    To test, I installed the Plugin on other sites and after activating, the ‘Instant Articles’ menu does not appear.

    Could you tell me how to solve and configure the plugin or recommend other plugin?

    Thanks in advance,
    Sandra Vale

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  • Having the same issue since this morning.

    I’ve managed to solve the issue. Here’s how I did it:

    1. Go into PHPMyAdmin, and pull up the wp_options table
    2. Search for the option name: instant-articles-option-fb-page
    3. Delete the value and save

    Once you’ve cleared this value, the plugin enters its initialized state — which allows you to re-authenticate with Facebook. From there you just walk through the “setup” process, but all your settings and options will still be there.

    NOTE: Definitely back up your wp_options table before doing this, it didn’t wipe my other FBIA option values but YRMV.

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