I am having the same problem. I contacted Facebook support and this is their response:
“It appears that the feed file is in XML format, which is not properly formatted.
Common errors for example:
– doesn’t begin with <?xml declaration tag
– Tags are not terminated. For example, every tag must start and end properly: <g:sale_price>50 USD</g:sale_price>. This is especially true even for </channel> </rss> tags
– Special characters MUST be escaped. The most common use case of this is the & (ampersand) symbol. When using this in a field, you must wrap it in <![CDATA[kind of like & this]]>
Please also note:
We have a limit of {upper_limit} per line to avoid our processing from failing. Please format your XML into multiple lines.
The limit is 5MB – This means that if a single line in an XML feed file is too long (5MB worth of characters) then it will cause this error.
Solution is to properly format the feed – one line per field and not squeeze the entire feed into just 1 line.”