• I’m new to using Javascript and love the potential of this app.

    I want to use Facebook’s plug-in from their site with this app instead of Jetpack’s Facebook plug-in which I was previously using. The Facebook plug-in offers two scripts with the following directions:

    “1. Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> tag.”

    “2. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.”

    Using the HTML Javascript Adder widget, I put in the code for #2 and it worked while the Jetpack Facebook plug-in was also running, but when I removed the Jetpack Facebook plug-in the HTML Javascript Adder widget changes from the full Facebook plug-in to just my name in small type.

    I’m guessing I need to add the first code (1.) from the Facebook Plug-In somewhere on my site for the Javascript Adder widget to work on its own, but where do I add that script ot my page?



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