1/ After taking a look at the Facebook code again for this version I realize that it won’t display the registration form if you’re using default permalinks. But just so you can see it working please try this:
– Make sure you allow new user registrations (admin dashboard -> Settings -> General -> Membership -> Tick ‘Anyone can register’)
– Use a permalink setting other than the default setting (admin dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks -> Post name f.e.)
– Disable guest permissions (WPBB Settings -> Enable Guest Permissions -> Tick ‘No’)
– Facebook settings should look like this (admin dashboard -> Settings -> WPBB Settings -> Facebook Settings):
Enable Facebook Support Yes
My App ID / API Key App ID from Facebook
App Secret Key App Secret from Facebook
Site URL (Redirect URL) e.g. https://localhost/www/myWPSite
CSRF Protection example: zsdgftz43568trtgst4 (don't use this one)
Default Role If blank uses default role (e.g. 'subscriber' or enter your own role that you want new facebook users to be in. Role must exist! Edit a user from your admin dashboard, you'll see a list of roles you can use in the dropdown menu)
Setting up Facebook App
– https://developers.facebook.com/apps (register or login)
– “Create New App”
– Enter App Name, can be anything you want, don’t worry about app namespace or web hosting. Click continue.
– Facebook should’ve created the app for you and you’ll see at the top the name of your app and the default avatar, next to that there is your App ID and App Secret Key. Enter those into your WPBB facebook settings.
– You may want to enter a contact email and change any other settings to your liking but leave sandbox mode disabled and don’t use the “Hosting URL”
– Click “Website with Facebook Login” under “Select how your app integrates with Facebook” then enter the URL to your wpbb forum e.g. https://mysite.com/wordpress/forum
– Save changes
Make sure Website with Facebook Login at your Facebook App Settings is the same as Site URL (Redirect URL) in your WPBB Settings ??
2/ You’re absolutely right. With the “Enable Guest Permissions” setting disabled however you’ll see that logged out users will be forced to either login or register with WordPress or Facebook. Otherwise, currently, it only displays an error message that the user doesn’t have permission to a particular area of the forum. We could easily add a Login or Register link to the top of the forum if you wanted as well however. This has all been improved in the plugin rewrite I’ve been working but that won’t be available for a while I’m afraid. I’ll still be able to fix anything in the current version though like the problem with the default permalinks. Testing and updating the plugin now.
Please let me know how you get on, if you have any more questions, etc.