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  • Have a similar problem! It happened in the last 2 hours. My five hundred FB likes dissapeared and box counter dropped to 0. I didn’t changed a thing, few hour ago it was all fine, now i am at zero.

    Anyone any idea what the hell is going on? (and how to fix it?)

    This just happened to me too! Nothing was changed on the website and I lost all my “likes” and facebook comments as well.

    Hi guys, it happened to me at the same time … all my fb likes have disapeared …

    Is there something to do ? Does your problem has been resolved ?

    Same thing happened a few hours ago, strangely at the same time as yours – all likes (numbering several hundreds per post) reset to 0. Nothing has changed – links are intact and number of tweets are the same – just the FB likes disappeared.

    What could be the issue? Is there some kind of outage?

    Why does this topic say [resolved] when it’s not?

    imobagg : same as you, my tweets are okay !

    What do you get when you try this :

    (for example I tried where I had 25 likes – don’t laugh ?? – and it says I have one FB share, the one I did to see what would happen, so it is REALLY a facebook bug)

    I have been on other forums where people seem to have the same issue and nothing seems to be resolved yet :'(

    Some friends of mine have a wordpress site and everything is okay …

    Its very “global” apparently, angry comments are appearing all over the Internet as we speak.

    waffenss started another topic similar to this one (Facebook Likes/Share reset to 0, so I guess he wanted to label this one as “dont use it” (too late).

    My likes are back! (didnt do anything, they just re-appeared)


    I feel relieved. Okay i only had a couple of likes, but for those who had like 200 likes on each of their post, they must be REALLY happy

    Mark Zuckenberg is sitting on the toilet with his iPad right now and says something like: “Oh yeah, I fucked with their heads once again, ahahahaha…”

    Yesterday I had 210 likes on my site and now I have only 1… What’s going on ?

    I have the same thing going on…I’ve lost all of our fb likes on all of our posts…please help!

    I moved my website from one host to another(export, import, reinstall)..The permalink structure is the same but
    ALL Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon likes/shares are reset to 0… Help
    I had about 5-6K likes on some posts ??




    Not sure what happened. My social media likes and shares were reset to 0 on my Share this plugin on all my pages. Some pages had 1K+ likes.

    I contacted the host and they said to contact wordpress.

    Not sure what to do.

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