• Whenever a person clicks the Facebook “Like” button we’ve placed on one of the blogs on our page, the wrong thumbnail of the blog shows up on that person’s FB page.

    So, for example, if Rachel “Likes” a blog on our WordPress page, it shows up in her Facebook feed, showing that she “liked” the blog. However, the thumbnail that shows up on her Facebook page is not the one of the blog that she “liked” on our WordPress page.

    I tried my best to explain this clearly. lol Help!

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  • research facebook Open Graph, also, once someone likes the page, i tihnk facebook caches the info/picture, so if you later update the specific page with a different thumbnail, it will continue to be used until facebook re caches their junk.. i dont think what i just said is going to be of much help though.. :-/


    I have the same issue, as do quite a few people by the looks of it. Whenever the like button is used in a post, a general thumbnail is automatically used which doesn’t reflect the post. We’d like the like action to use a thumbnail based on a picture in the post.




    Think I’ve found a solution using this plugin :


    The FAQ says it can still take 24hours for a thumbnail to be updated by facebook… will try it out.

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