Right!! I′ve got one ?? Easy. Just need an example, since I′m not as technical as you guys are.
Imagine I have a site with a form with the fields
In Facebook I have other forms with similar data (a car daler might sell different cars, same fields, different forms. For the sake of this example, I’ll imagine there are two forms: “Big Cars” and “Small Cars”)
from What I’ve read, I can use facebook to post the data form those forms ino UPIcrm. How?
A) You need a business facebook page
B) you need to create the forms in facebook
C) You use https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/ to create the Post method (the get methos can be used to import into gogole sheets. But I’d rather not do that two step ptorcess, adn import into UPI straight away)
And that’s how far I’ve got. I am aware that in UPI I can create a Token to use in Facebook so that Facebook can POST the data into UPI. I do not know how to:
1)Tell facebook to post the data
2)how to match the fiedls in Facebook forms and UPIcrm
3)Tell UPI that some of the data will come from “Big cars” form and other from “small cars” form.
That, if solved, will boost UPIcrm usage tenfold.