Hi @savithd,
It’s possible that you will need to reacquire a new FB access token. (In an unrelated, yet semi-related issue, we are currently working to fix an issue that occurs while trying to acquire a FB access token. That issue is being worked on at this moment and we will have an update pushed shortly. However there is a workaround, which I will note* below)
In your WordPress dashboard, go to Feed Them > Facebook Options under the Facebook API Token, delete/clear the Page ID and the Access Token fields, then scroll down to the bottom and click the green ‘Save All Changes’ button. (after, take a look to be sure those fields are blank, in rare occasions it may repopulate).
Clear the cache of our plugin and any other caching plugins.
Be sure you are logged into your personal Facebook account. Then, in your WordPress dashboard, go to Feed Them > Facebook Options and try again to retrieve an access token (it’s important here to go through your FB personal account to get to the Admin Privileges for your business page. *You will need to select 2 or more of your admin pages or “select all”). Any/all of the FB Business accounts you have Admin privileges for should return listed. Click on the one for this account, then click the save button that appears in the banner.
At this point, you should be able to go to the Feed Them > Settings page to generate a new shortcode.
*If you only Admin one account, we have a bug when selecting just one account, which should be fixed shortly.