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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @slandoulsi

    If you want to use FA-ICON as buttons, you simply should to insert a “HTML Content” field in the form, and then, enter as its content the HTML tags to emulate the button. Similar to:

    <i class="fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="alert('Hello World');"></i>

    Of course, with icon and the onclick event you want.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter slandoulsi


    thank you

    Thread Starter slandoulsi



    can you please assist me one step further to emulate tooltip on this button. This is what I tried this but it didn’t work. Kindly clarify more generaly what ui-tooltip and uh-tooltip classes are for.

    `<i class=”fas fa-industry bouton_entreprise” style=”cursor:pointer;” onclick=”ouvrirpagepaie(1);”>
    <span class=”ui-tooltip uh-toolip”>Fiche entreprise</span>


    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @slandoulsi

    The process is simpler, insert the tag with the tooltip message as the uh attribute:

    <i class="fas fa-industry bouton_entreprise" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="ouvrirpagepaie(1);" uh="Fiche entreprise"></i>

    Best regards

    Thread Starter slandoulsi


    so easy indeed. thank you

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