I see you managed to solve the double slider issues but I’ll try to explain how sliders can be displayed for future reference.
Sliders can be displayed in any of these 4 ways:
1. Shortcode placed directly into post/page content;
2. Widget;
3. PHP code placed directly into WP theme files (requires theme template files editing);
4. Automatic display (for Lite, only above the main page loop).
When displaying using automatic display, you can publish sliders on homepage for example (if displaying recent posts from WP settings) or on category pages without having to put shortcodes into pages or using the PHP code.
Automatic display can be configured when editing a slider in WP Admin from tab Publish in bottom panel (Slider Output).
If you don’t want a slider to be automatically displayed into any of your pages, simply uncheck Display in dynamic areas option.
Next, to modify theme Simple font sizes and other CSS, I suggest that you first create a folder for slider themes outside the plugin’s folder. This will prevent your theme modifications from being overwritten (since all themes are by default inside the plugin folder) on future plugin updates.
Instructions to create additional slider themes folder outside plugin’s folder can be found here: https://www.codeflavors.com/documentation/featured-articles-pro-3/moving-slider-themes-folder/