• In order to keep with the same theme of the web site I am building – I made an HTML page with a simple table of roll over menu items and named the page “leroyheader.html” and put it in the root wp folder. You can see an example of them on the top of the page:
    I also found some themes that were close to the look (such as Catagories 1.0 and FastTrack 1.0) that I could modify so as to have the same look as the web page. I just need to put the web site links on the top of the page using ezstatic.

    The URL string that I am using is:


    Can’t get EZ to work? I have installed and activated EzStatic 3.0.

    The question is where do I put the URL? What page do I put it on? And where in the page and with what php tags do I need to use. Is it possible to see an example of the URL in a page?


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