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  • Sorry don’t understand, they are appearing after the excerpt text.. which is normal if you use __after_content, what do you want to achieve?
    link to your site?

    Thread Starter caritosalaz


    I want the ad to appear at the very end of the article, before the comments, but I do not want it appear in each of the excerpts. Currently I’m disabling to avoid violating the policies of adsense, but when I put the ad appeared in the first 4 extracts of the home,
    Or how I can use a simpler function? thx,

    sorry my English is not very good.

    Your english is fine. And don’t worry I’m italian, my english isn’t that good too ;).
    Try this so (of course change the name of the sidebar with the one you chose):

    // Place the widget area after content in posts, before comments
    add_action ('__after_loop', 'add_my_widget_area', 0);
        function add_my_widget_area() {
            if ( ! is_single() )
            if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')) {
                dynamic_sidebar('Extra Header Widget Area');

    Thread Starter caritosalaz


    Hi, this worked very well, but only displayed in desktop, mobile phones and tablets is not displayed.

    Also I inserted the “related post” in this widget but neither is in tablets or mobiles.

    My website is


    I’ve only emulated mobiles on this page:
    and I can see the dynamic sidebar “TAMBIEN TE VA A GUSTAR”.
    Could just be a client side cache related issue?
    Could you clean the cache?
    Otherwise as soon as I get the chance I will test your site on a mobile dev.

    Hi, checked on mobile, cannot reproduce you issue, still see “TAMBIEN TE VA A GUSTAR”.

    Thread Starter caritosalaz


    Hello !, You’re right, now I can see, they magically appeared.

    I have another question, I do not know if I have to open another post for this.

    I would like to put a widget in the same way but before the title, I tried to put the same code, changing the name of the title and the hook (‘__before_article’), but showed me error, then I renamed the action and called it ‘add_new_widget_area’ but this time, in this new area widget appeared the content of the widget after comments, i.e. the ad and “TAMBIEN TE VA A GUSTAR” appears both above and below the article,is duplicated, but within the box widget wordpress panel this new widget appears empty.

    I do not know if you understand me.

    Currently I deleted this code to prevent this duplicate.

    I used this code:

    // Adds a widget area.
    if (function_exists ('register_sidebar')) {
    ? register_sidebar (array (
    ? 'name' => 'Extra title before Widget Area'
    ? 'id' => 'additional-widget-area'
    ? 'description' => 'Additional widget area before post title'
    ? 'before_widget' => '<div class = "widget my-additional-widget">',
    ? 'after_widget' => '</ div>',
    ? 'before_title' => '<h2>',
    ? 'after_title' => '</ h2>'
    ? ));
    // Place the widget area after content in posts, before comments
    add_action ('__before_loop', 'add_new_widget_area', 0);
    ???? add_new_widget_area function () {
    ???????? if (! is_single ())
    ???????????? return;
    ???????? if (function_exists ('dynamic_sidebar')) {
    ???????????? dynamic_sidebar ('Extra comments before Widget Area');
    ???????? }

    grazie mille!

    I think an hook named “__before_article” doesn’t exist ??
    Anyway yes, you cannot declare functions twice (each function name must be different), that’s why you got the error, and that’s why when you changed the second to “add_new_widget_area” the error disappeared.
    About the duplication, here:
    dynamic_sidebar ('Extra comments before Widget Area');
    you have to use the name of the widget area you want to show, so since you set:
    'description' => 'Additional widget area before post title'
    you have to write:
    dynamic_sidebar ('Additional widget area before post title');

    Hope this helps.
    Prego ??

    Thread Starter caritosalaz


    Ciao, I tried what you indicate me, and the new widget is created, without duplicating content, but now, nothing that insert in the new widget is displayed above. Try with several hooks that are listed in this link:, but nothing works.

    So in the code for the widget I had put before the comments, I replace the name of the area for another area, such as ‘__before_content_title’ and this time the content if shown at the top.

    This means that there is still a conflict between the two widgets registered. I have watched some post as:

    but really do not understand anything, you know, not much about these codes.
    Thanks for your help!

    Also this 'id' => 'additional-widget-area'
    should be unique for each widget area.

    Thread Starter caritosalaz



    Yes, i changed this too, the first widget had ‘id’ => ‘extra-widget-area’

    I think I haven’t understood your issue ??
    Wanna try to explain it again? ??

    Thread Starter caritosalaz


    Hi, I solve it,
    instead of the description on dynamic_sidebar (''); I wrote the name.

    Now i can see the content of the widget!


    Thread Starter caritosalaz


    mark as resolved

    I’m sorry caritosalaz for having swapped name and description :/
    Glad you solved.

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