Hello !, You’re right, now I can see, they magically appeared.
I have another question, I do not know if I have to open another post for this.
I would like to put a widget in the same way but before the title, I tried to put the same code, changing the name of the title and the hook (‘__before_article’), but showed me error, then I renamed the action and called it ‘add_new_widget_area’ but this time, in this new area widget appeared the content of the widget after comments, i.e. the ad and “TAMBIEN TE VA A GUSTAR” appears both above and below the article,is duplicated, but within the box widget wordpress panel this new widget appears empty.
I do not know if you understand me.
Currently I deleted this code to prevent this duplicate.
I used this code:
// Adds a widget area.
if (function_exists ('register_sidebar')) {
? register_sidebar (array (
? 'name' => 'Extra title before Widget Area'
? 'id' => 'additional-widget-area'
? 'description' => 'Additional widget area before post title'
? 'before_widget' => '<div class = "widget my-additional-widget">',
? 'after_widget' => '</ div>',
? 'before_title' => '<h2>',
? 'after_title' => '</ h2>'
? ));
// Place the widget area after content in posts, before comments
add_action ('__before_loop', 'add_new_widget_area', 0);
???? add_new_widget_area function () {
???????? if (! is_single ())
???????????? return;
???????? if (function_exists ('dynamic_sidebar')) {
???????????? dynamic_sidebar ('Extra comments before Widget Area');
???????? }
grazie mille!