I previously used Tablepress (I think you suggested it a few years ago!) but I changed to Advanced Custom Fields which I’ve set up to add a Breaks section in each event/fixture. This uses a dropdown to search for the players, then enter the break, and add as many rows as needed. All of that data is then stored in the database and can be queried.
My player-breaks file searches through the database for all events/fixtures and looks to see if any breaks have been recorded. Then it will check if that player matches the player who’s page you are looking at, and if it does then it’ll add it to the table with a link to the fixture in which it happened.
It took a lot of work and hours to get the code right, and I’m still looking at ways of improving it especially as our data only goes back to 2016/17 at the moment but I’m looking to put more on from as far back as around 1992.