To be honest, it’s probably going to be pretty difficult for you. You’ll need to set up a custom plugin to hook into the Food and Drink Menu plugin. Here’s the steps you’ll need to do:
1. Modify the post meta price field to support two fields. To do this, you’ll need to filter ‘fdm_meta_boxes’ to add meta box. You’ll then need to filter ‘fdm_save_meta’ to ensure the data is sanitized and saved. These filters can be found in /food-and-drink-menu/cpts.php.
2. You’ll then need to load your new price values in the view by hooking into the ‘fdm_load_item’ action. You’ll also want to filter ‘fdm_menu_item_elements’ and ‘fdm_menu_item_elements_order’ in order to tell the template when to print the new value. You’ll find these in /food-and-drink-menu/views/View.Item.class.php.
3. Finally, you’ll need to modify the menu item template how you want to get the columns and print the extra data. You’ll find this at /food-and-drink-menu/fdm-templates/menu-item.php, but if you include a template in your theme folder at /your-theme/fdm-templates/menu-item.php, this will override the template in the plugin’s folder.
The Codex will give you some information on working with hooks in WordPress.
Now that I’ve laid this out, it occurs to me that there is an easier way to hack the Pro version of the plugin to get price options. The Pro version includes a second price (discount price) which you could use. You’d need to adjust the CSS code for display and you’d probably need to adjust the /fdm-templates/content/price.php template to include text indicating which price is for a glass and which for a bottle. This would be an easier way to get your price needs done.
But it doesn’t include any particular way to add a special data type for country of origin. You’d need to use the Item Flags for this, probably.