Hey there, sorry no one has gotten back to you. ?? I pulled up your site in firefox/firebug and first off, nice clean site, I’m impressed! ?? And as a fellow Graphic Designer to another – good luck with everything! ??
Now onto your site, looking at it, I can see that first off there are two body classes in your style sheet. I’d combine the two of them so they won’t over write one another. So the first body class is line 70 (which would tell me it’s the original body class because it’s near the top) and then line 144 is the other one. It’s not necessary that you combine them, however it’s just good practice so that if you ever do need help and need programmers/designers like me, I can get in there and take care of it quicker! ??
Second, in order to expand your site I added a width of 1080px to your body class and then added a margin: 0 auto; as well. margin: 0 auto will center the body container so it’s not drifting off to the side. ??
So to add this to your style sheet (just in case you don’t know, if you do ?? sorry!) it’d look like this:
body {
width: 1080px;
margin: 0 auto;
To expand your other elements, a simple way to do this would be to search and replace everywidth: 960px;
with width: 1000px;
This insures that you change everything. However, looking through your style sheet, I changed line 88 (.container_12 .grid_12) to width: 1000px and it expanded nicely. I would leave the header at 940 or change it to 960px but nothing higher. I changed it to 1000px and it got pushed to the right. So to stay away from having to deal with margins, just keep the header at 960px at the max! ??
I hope this helps. If not respond and let me know what else I can do for you