• Hello,

    I want to extend the editor role with the capability to create and edit users.

    I’ve added

    $role = get_role( 'editor' );
    $role->add_cap( 'list_users' );
    $role->add_cap( 'edit_users' );
    $role->add_cap( 'add_users' );

    to my functions.php – and the rights a granted.

    The problem is that there is no menuitem “users” in the wordpress backendmenu for the editor role? I have to visit /users.php directly to check if the changes have taken effect. How can I add the menupoint “users” ?



    I had in a previous version of the functions.php a function to clear items from mainmenu, but I have removed it (could this still take effect however?)

    function remove_menus()
        global $menu;
        global $current_user;
        if($current_user->user_level < 6)
            $restricted = array(__('Pages'),
                                __('Custom Post Name'),
            end ($menu);
            while (prev($menu)){
                $value = explode(' ',$menu[key($menu)][0]);
                if(in_array($value[0] != NULL?$value[0]:"" , $restricted)){unset($menu[key($menu)]);}
            }// end while
        }// end if
    add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_menus');
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