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  • That is going to be a tough one without an actual link to your site. I think the folks who know how to do that sort of thing may need to take a peek at your source code to give you a specific answer.

    A generic answer would be to decrease the left margin and-or change the width on the blue bar, and do the same thing to the right margin and-or width on the green bar. Without being able to see the style sheet for those items, it’s only a shot in the dark I think.

    Thread Starter jakczuhang


    I have tried changing the width of both blue and green but they only seem to extend towards the middle but not the outside.

    Here’s the style sheet. If anybody can pinpoint the exact line that needs to be changed that would be great.


    /* Top Elements */
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    .align-left  { text-align: left; }
    .align-right { text-align: right; }
    /* display and additional classes */
    .clearer { clear: both; }
    .clear {
    .clear:after {
    	content: ".";
    Thread Starter jakczuhang


    I got it now. I just changed the wrap and content wrap variables ??

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