Export to CSV not working
Getting the following error when trying to export donations to CSV:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /home/…./public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/legacy/admin-views/export.php on line 7
<?php /* Copyright 2013 Allen Snook (email: [email protected]) */ include( '../../../../wp-config.php' ); $sd4_mode = get_option ( '$sd4_mode = get_option' ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { header( "Content-Type: text/html" ); echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>Unauthorized</title>\n"; echo "</head>\n"; echo "<body>\n"; echo "<h1>Unauthorized</h1>\n"; echo "<p>You do not have permission to access this page. Did you forget to log in?</p>"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n"; } else { $startDate = $_POST['startdate']; $endDate = $_POST['enddate']; $startTimeStamp = strtotime( $startDate ); $endTimeStamp = strtotime( $endDate ); $countries = dgx_donate_get_countries(); $firstOne = true; if( $sd4_mode == false ) { $post_type = 'dgx-donation'; } else { $post_type = 'donation'; } $args = array( 'numberposts' => '-1', 'post_type' => $post_type, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC' ); $myDonations = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( (array) $myDonations as $myDonation ) { $donationID = $myDonation->ID; // Make sure this donation's date falls in the range $okToAdd = true; $year = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_year', true ); $month = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_month', true ); $day = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_day', true ); $donationDate = $month . "/" . $day . "/" . $year; $donationTimeStamp = strtotime( $donationDate ); if ( $donationTimeStamp < $startTimeStamp ) { $okToAdd = false; } if ( $donationTimeStamp > $endTimeStamp ) { $okToAdd = false; } if ( $okToAdd ) { // Order in CSV // Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (HH:MM:SS A), First Name, Last Name, Amount, Repeating (YES/NO), // Designated Fund, Gift Item, Donor Phone, Donor Email, Donor Address, Donor Address2, // Donor City, Donor State, Donor Zip, OK to Add to Mailing List (YES/NO) if ( $firstOne ) { header( "Content-type: text/csv" ); header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export.csv" ); echo "\"Date\",\"Time\",\"First Name\",\"Last Name\",\"Amount\",\"Currency\",\"Repeating\","; echo "\"Designated Fund\",\"Gift Item\",\"Phone\",\"Email\",\"Address\",\"Address 2\","; echo "\"City\",\"State/Prov\",\"Postal Code\",\"Country\",\"Employer\",\"Occupation\","; echo "\"OK to Add to Mailing List\"\n"; $firstOne = false; } $time = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_time', true ); $firstName = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_first_name', true ); $lastName = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_last_name', true ); $amount = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_amount', true ); $currency_code = dgx_donate_get_donation_currency_code( $donationID ); $formatted_amount = dgx_donate_get_plain_formatted_amount( $amount, 2, $currency_code, false ); $repeating = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_repeating', true ); if ( empty( $repeating ) ) { $repeating = "No"; } else { $repeating = "Yes"; } $designatedFundName = "Undesignated"; $designated = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_designated', true ); if ( ! empty( $designated ) ) { $designatedFundName = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_designated_fund', true ); } $gift_item_id = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_gift_item_id', true ); $gift_item_title = ""; if ( !empty( $gift_item_id ) ) { $gift_item_title = get_the_title( $gift_item_id ); } $phone = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_phone', true ); $email = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_email', true ); $address = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_address', true ); $address2 = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_address2', true ); $city = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_city', true ); $state = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_state', true ); $province = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_province', true ); $country_code = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_country', true ); if ( empty( $country_code ) ) { /* older versions only did US */ $country_code = 'US'; update_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_country', 'US' ); } if ( 'US' == $country_code ) { $state_or_prov = $state; } else if ( 'CA' == $country_code ) { $state_or_prov = $province; } else { $state_or_prov = ''; } $country = $countries[$country_code]; $zip = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_zip', true ); $addToMailingList = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_add_to_mailing_list', true ); if ( strcasecmp( $addToMailingList, 'on' ) == 0 ) { $addToMailingList = "Yes"; } else { $addToMailingList = "No"; } $employer = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_employer_name', true ); $occupation = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_occupation', true ); echo "\"$donationDate\",\"$time\",\"$firstName\",\"$lastName\",\"$formatted_amount\",\"$currency_code\",\"$repeating\","; echo "\"$designatedFundName\",\"$gift_item_title\",\"$phone\",\"$email\",\"$address\",\"$address2\","; echo "\"$city\",\"$state_or_prov\",\"$zip\",\"$country\",\"$employer\",\"$occupation\","; echo "\"$addToMailingList\"\n"; } } if ( $firstOne ) // We never got any data { header( "Content-Type: text/html" ); echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>Error</title>\n"; echo "</head>\n"; echo "<body>\n"; echo "<h1>Error</h1>\n"; echo "<p>No data was found for that date range ($startDate - $endDate). Please try a wider date range.</p>"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n"; } }
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