• Resolved jokeefesr


    Getting the following error when trying to export donations to CSV:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /home/…./public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/legacy/admin-views/export.php on line 7

    /* Copyright 2013 Allen Snook (email: [email protected]) */
    include( '../../../../wp-config.php' );
    $sd4_mode = get_option ( '$sd4_mode = get_option' );
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
    	header( "Content-Type: text/html" );
    	echo "<html>\n";
    	echo "<head>\n";
    	echo "<title>Unauthorized</title>\n";
    	echo "</head>\n";
    	echo "<body>\n";
    	echo "<h1>Unauthorized</h1>\n";
    	echo "<p>You do not have permission to access this page.  Did you forget to log in?</p>";
    	echo "</body>\n";
    	echo "</html>\n";
    	$startDate = $_POST['startdate'];
    	$endDate = $_POST['enddate'];
    	$startTimeStamp = strtotime( $startDate );
    	$endTimeStamp = strtotime( $endDate );
    	$countries = dgx_donate_get_countries();
    	$firstOne = true;
    	if( $sd4_mode == false ) {
    		$post_type = 'dgx-donation';
    	} else {
    		$post_type = 'donation';
    	$args = array(
    		'numberposts'     => '-1',
    		'post_type'       => $post_type,
    		'orderby'         => 'post_date',
    		'order'           => 'DESC'
    	$myDonations = get_posts( $args );
    	foreach ( (array) $myDonations as $myDonation )
    		$donationID = $myDonation->ID;
    		// Make sure this donation's date falls in the range
    		$okToAdd = true;
    		$year = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_year', true );
    		$month = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_month', true );
    		$day = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_day', true );
    		$donationDate = $month . "/" . $day . "/" . $year;
    		$donationTimeStamp = strtotime( $donationDate );
    		if ( $donationTimeStamp < $startTimeStamp )
    			$okToAdd = false;
    		if ( $donationTimeStamp > $endTimeStamp )
    			$okToAdd = false;
    		if ( $okToAdd )
    			// Order in CSV
    			// Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (HH:MM:SS A), First Name, Last Name, Amount, Repeating (YES/NO),
    			// Designated Fund, Gift Item, Donor Phone, Donor Email, Donor Address, Donor Address2,
    			// Donor City, Donor State, Donor Zip, OK to Add to Mailing List (YES/NO)
    			if ( $firstOne )
    				header( "Content-type: text/csv" );
    				header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export.csv" );
    				echo "\"Date\",\"Time\",\"First Name\",\"Last Name\",\"Amount\",\"Currency\",\"Repeating\",";
    				echo "\"Designated Fund\",\"Gift Item\",\"Phone\",\"Email\",\"Address\",\"Address 2\",";
    				echo "\"City\",\"State/Prov\",\"Postal Code\",\"Country\",\"Employer\",\"Occupation\",";
    				echo "\"OK to Add to Mailing List\"\n";
    				$firstOne = false;
    			$time = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_time', true );
    			$firstName = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_first_name', true );
    			$lastName = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_last_name', true );
    			$amount = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_amount', true );
    			$currency_code = dgx_donate_get_donation_currency_code( $donationID );
    			$formatted_amount = dgx_donate_get_plain_formatted_amount( $amount, 2, $currency_code, false );
    			$repeating = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_repeating', true );
    			if ( empty( $repeating ) )
    				$repeating = "No";
    				$repeating = "Yes";
    			$designatedFundName = "Undesignated";
    			$designated = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_designated', true );
    			if ( ! empty( $designated ) )
    				$designatedFundName = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_designated_fund', true );
    			$gift_item_id = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_gift_item_id', true );
    			$gift_item_title = "";
    			if ( !empty( $gift_item_id ) ) {
    				$gift_item_title = get_the_title( $gift_item_id );
    			$phone = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_phone', true );
    			$email = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_email', true );
    			$address = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_address', true );
    			$address2 = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_address2', true );
    			$city = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_city', true );
    			$state = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_state', true );
    			$province = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_province', true );
    			$country_code = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_country', true );
    			if ( empty( $country_code ) ) { /* older versions only did US */
    				$country_code = 'US';
    				update_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_country', 'US' );
    			if ( 'US' == $country_code ) {
    				$state_or_prov = $state;
    			} else if ( 'CA' == $country_code ) {
    				$state_or_prov = $province;
    			} else {
    				$state_or_prov = '';
    			$country = $countries[$country_code];
    			$zip = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_donor_zip', true );
    			$addToMailingList = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_add_to_mailing_list', true );
    			if ( strcasecmp( $addToMailingList, 'on' ) == 0 )
    				$addToMailingList = "Yes";
    				$addToMailingList = "No";
    			$employer = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_employer_name', true );
    			$occupation = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_occupation', true );
    			echo "\"$donationDate\",\"$time\",\"$firstName\",\"$lastName\",\"$formatted_amount\",\"$currency_code\",\"$repeating\",";
    			echo "\"$designatedFundName\",\"$gift_item_title\",\"$phone\",\"$email\",\"$address\",\"$address2\",";
    			echo "\"$city\",\"$state_or_prov\",\"$zip\",\"$country\",\"$employer\",\"$occupation\",";
    			echo "\"$addToMailingList\"\n";
    	if ( $firstOne ) // We never got any data
    		header( "Content-Type: text/html" );
    		echo "<html>\n";
    		echo "<head>\n";
    		echo "<title>Error</title>\n";
    		echo "</head>\n";
    		echo "<body>\n";
    		echo "<h1>Error</h1>\n";
    		echo "<p>No data was found for that date range ($startDate - $endDate).  Please try a wider date range.</p>";
    		echo "</body>\n";
    		echo "</html>\n";


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    You’re still running in legacy mode? You have a gear icon as your plugin icon, not a palm tree? This is important, because it will help me figure out where to look for the bug. It should run correctly, but it’s possible I introduced something to legacy mode I shouldn’t have when coding the 4.0 upgrade.


    P.S. recording this as a bug.

    Thread Starter jokeefesr


    There is a gear icon next to the Seamless Donation plug-in. Is there documentation for changing from legacy mode? What effects will moving from legacy mode have on the site? We are running WordPress 4.2.2.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Do this on a TEST site:

    If you convert to the modern version, you’ll want to use a plugin like WP CSV to do you CSV export.

    But I’m calling it a bug. That 7th line is a line I introduced as part of the transition. So I’ll look at this and see if I can fix it. You shouldn’t be getting an error on testing the mode.


    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Found that. Should work in 4.0.2, which will be posted this weekend.

    The problem is, when you try to upgrade it completely deletes all your donor data. All of it. I had to run a backup because of this.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    So far, you’re the only report I’ve had of anyone losing donor data (and we’ve had a LOT of updates in the last few weeks). There’s nothing in the code to delete data at all, although the dgx-donation post type is changed to donation.

    To double-check, you installed 4.0 (or above) and saw the gear icon and the upgrade notice page. Then you ran the upgrade by hitting the button under the video. At that point, when you went to the donors, donations, and funds items on the left dashboard bar (all have palm tree icons), you saw no data at all?

    — David

    P.S. Actually, I did have one user tell me that data he hand-inserted with the PayPal IPN tool from the PayPal site didn’t convert, but that’s because that’s not really a supported way to add data to the database and he didn’t have a bunch of options set. But other than that user, I haven’t heard from anyone about data loss. Heard about a lot of other things, but no data loss.

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