Export Order Product Title has 1 x added to start of title (quantity)
One more question on the export order from vendor dashboard and from the orders page itself.
In the column Product Title, it includes “Qty x” (eg “1 x”) before title. This should be two separate columns, one for quantity and one for actual title. The reason my vendors download these csvs is to upload into their system, and they would have to parse this column every single time to make sure they have the quantity and title as separate fields. The title column should match the actual title, not have extra letters and numbers added to the beginning.
Here is link again to show what output looks like. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1gc0ec73f2zwotpeces78/wc-vendor-download.jpg?rlkey=rhk0wj2mxnvg6g4mtrbmknqzp&dl=0
Dashboard>Orders also displays it that way, however since they aren’t using that to upload anywhere it’s not as big a deal.
Is there a way to have these as two separate columns in the export order csv?
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