Thanks for your update. I can give you some general suggestions; if I have missed something in your question, let me know. I’ve had a quick look at PhotoSmash Galleries, but have not downloaded it.
MLA works with the WordPress Media Library. I believe PhotoSmash Galleries puts images there, but then copies or moves them to its own area.
The [mla_gallery]
shortcode supports the author
and author_name
parameters documented in the WP_Query Class Reference. You can code something like [mla_gallery author=1]
or [mla_gallery author_name=david]
to filter the images in the Media Library (media gallery?) by a specific author.
Depending on what you mean by “replicate the galleries and albums” you may find that [mla_gallery]
can give you what you want without using another plugin such as NextGEN Gallery. Of course, NextGEN Gallery has many more features that you may require. You can use MLA to select the images you want and then use the [ngg_images]
shortcode to display the results. Go to the “Support for Other Gallery-generating Shortcodes” section in the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for more details. Here is an example:
[mla_gallery author_name=david mla_alt_shortcode=ngg_images mla_alt_ids_name=image_ids display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow" gallery_width="600" gallery_height="400"]
Going back to your first post and the question of how to “extract images from media library”, you can use the “MLA Gallery Filters and Actions (Hooks)” to access the file name or other information about an image and then do anything you want with it. Here is a earlier support topic that outlines the process:
Get URL of images with from specific Category
I hope I have understood your question and that the above suggestions give you what you need for your application. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions about filtering by author or the other parts of my answer. Thanks again for your interest in the plugin.