Hello @vipul87,
Thanks for getting in touch, and sorry to hear about your experience.
With regard to adding to iCalendar, when I tested it, it was working properly. Perhaps you have an ad or pop-up blocker turned on during testing?
There should no longer be an “Export to .ics file” button, so what you’re seeing is a bug.
Please could you insert this snippet of code into your snippet plugin or functions.php file:
add_filter( 'tec_views_v2_single_subscribe_links', function( $subscribe_links ) {
unset( $subscribe_links[2] );
return $subscribe_links;
}, 12 );
The snippet above will remove the unwanted button.
We have an internal bug ticket for this, and I have added your case to it. I will definitely pass along the details you shared with our dev team.
What’s next?
Our product team will assess the severity of this problem in relation to other open bug reports and new features. Based on their assessment, the bug report will be given a priority level. Our developers work on the highest priority issues first. This means we cannot give you an estimate of when they’ll start working on your report.
If you have any further information that may affect the prioritization or help our development team solve this bug, please feel invited to reply to this email. As soon as our development team has a clear indication in which release this concern will be solved, we’ll send you a message to inform you.
Thanks, and again, so sorry for this.
Kind regards,
TEC Support