Hi @chochi not yet, but I added it as a feature request here: https://github.com/publishpress/PublishPress-Future/discussions/439 Feel free to visit and upvote it.
For now, you can probably create a custom plugin or add a code to the functions.php file exposing the data with something like:
register_rest_field('post', 'expiration', [
'get_callback' => function ($data) {
$container = \PublishPressFuture\Core\DI\Container::getInstance();
$modelFactory = $container->get(\PublishPressFuture\Core\DI\ServicesAbstract::EXPIRABLE_POST_MODEL_FACTORY);
$model = $modelFactory($data['id']);
return $model->getExpirationDate();
Of course this is just a simple example, and in a few weeks we might release a new version of the plugin that will change how the expiration data is stored, but we could help you to adapt that when the time comes if needed.