• Resolved hastibe


    Looking forward to starting to use this plugin with an existing store, but realized that it’s important to first know if existing contact data and subscription status are ever overwritten in Mailchimp when customer data from the website syncs to Mailchimp.

    Are any fields (name, etc.) overwritten when customers sync from website to Mailchimp via this plugin?

    Is the subscription status of customers ever overwritten when syncing from website to Mailchimp? What if a subscribed customer unsubscribes–would syncing from this plugin ever re-subscribe them?

    What about the initial sync, with the “auto-subscribe existing customers” checked or unchecked in the plugin? Could that ever change the subscription status of existing contacts in Mailchimp?

    For instance, would an existing contact who is unsubscribed in Mailchimp be subscribed, if the “auto-subscribe existing customers” box is checked?

    Conversely, would an existing contact who is subscribed in Mailchimp be unsubscribed during the initial sync, if the contact also exists as a customer via the WooCommerce plugin and the “auto-subscribed existing customers” box is not checked?

    Looking forward to hearing back–thanks!

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  • Thread Starter hastibe


    Just wanted to add that it would be terrific to have this sort of extra detail added to the setup page of the plugin before running the initial sync and to the wiki, too!

    Plugin Support khungate


    Hi @hastibe, thanks for reaching out. The plugin is designed to merge information from your store with the Audience connected in Mailchimp. In particular, it will update customers, orders, and products.

    If you’ve manually updated the information in Mailchimp, it could technically overwrite things, but it would be using the most up to date information found in the store. FYI, if you’ve set up any custom merge tags, it would not impact those whatsoever.

    Hope that helps, let us know if you have any other questions.

    Plugin Support Jordan Rich


    @hastibe Just checking in with you to see if you still needed support on this?

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